Tag Archives: Tempoyak

Macam mana nak buat tempoyak

Ada request ….. orang tanya cam na nak buat tempoyak. I bukan nyer terror pun.. but sekadar berkongsi idea…

I copy and paste from blog lama jer….

“Anyone know what is tempoyak? Tempoyak made from durian which you need to keep them in Jar for few day untill it turn sour.

Since my husband hantu tempoyak so , I made tempoyak for our supply. We bought durian from Tesco 2kg for RM10. So, back home I peeled the durian(honestly, I hate the smell) keep them in Jar. Make sure don’t over fill because it may explode. believe me because it’s happen to my husband. Normally , this tempoyak can last for years. I use tempoyak to cook Ikan masak tempoyak.

The recipe I got from my sister in-law when I just got married . need to impress my husband though.

Well the picture was taken by pro photographer,aka my husband thanks papa. Well he also posted about tempoyak”

Patin Repeat

Semalam baru je pekene patin gulai tempoyak kat Temerloh.. dan hari ni repeat balik.. bukan beli tapi masak sendiri…. sedappp ooooo….

Ikan patin segar yang beli semalam dah masok dalam periuk hari ni…

ni la hasilnya… Gulai Ikan Patin Tempoyak Pahang asli…

tambah plak dengan ulam timun + tomato dengan ayam goreng kunyit

Resepi Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak (Pahang)


  • Ikan Patin – a medium size of ikan patin cut to 3 pcs
  • 3tbps of tempoyak
  • 15 pcs bird eye chili and 2 big red chili
  • enough water to make gravy
  • fresh turmeric
  • salt to taste
  • ajinomoto to taste
  • daun kesum or Vietnamese coriander


  • blend tempoyak,chili and turmeric with water to make gravy
  • pour in you pot and cook till boil
  • Once boiled, put in fish then wait till boil
  • then add in daun kesum.
  • add salt and ajinomoto to taste
  • Simmer for 10 mins and it’s ready to be serve with rice, fried turmeric chicken and ulam-ulaman.