Making Babies

Ashraff n Afriena sekarang dalam preoses nak membesar. Banyak soalan yang dia tanya. Especially bila baru habis kelas Sains. Kalau bab benda hidup benda bukan hidup , mama boleh lah jawab tapi semalam dia belajar pasal babies kot.

Crocodile lays egg

Cows are mammals, so mammals pregnant and have baby

Dia dah tau reptiles, mammals, fish, bird. ok lah cuma masalahnya sekarang dia tanya, How do they have baby?

I jawab lah…They have to pregnant first.

Dia jawab…Oh ok like you mama kan?

Yes, Then how the baby goes inside  the tummy? Do elephant eat lots of leaves? Is that because giraffe eats lot of leaves then the baby will be inside the stomach?

I was like …errrr dalam hati macam mana nak jawab ni

My answer only.. mama not sure, you must ask your science teacher. Sambil mengharap dia tak tanya macam mana dia jadi, macam mana dia ada dlm perut.

Kheirul balik semalam, I told him then he smiled… sambil cakap nanti dia tau sendiri lah..tiba masa dia akan belajar gak

So moms out there how do you answer you kids with this Q?

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