Monthly Archives: March 2012

Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan Penang

Dari Krabi, teruskan perjalanan ke Penang plak. One thing best kalau travel by car, boleh singgah di-mana-mana. Kiterang takde buat booking hotel pun. Knowing that cuti sekolah off course no room available kan. So kiterang just searh dalam garmin je, cari hotel. Finally, dapat hotel New Hope Inn. Not really hotel just Inn. Masih baru bau cat lagi. Family room habis, just get bilik biasa. kena berhimpit lah sikit. Sampai je… kiterang semua lapar dah. Ashraff and Afriena kemaruk  nak Mc D sebab kat Krabi McD tak halal, so kiterang ke McD for take away then search kat garmin Nasi Kandar. Nasi Kandar terdekat is Nasi Kandar Khaleel, Tanjung Bungah.Apa lagi rambang mata jap kat Nasi Kandar. telur ikan.. telur ikan……… telur ikan……

Kiterang bungkus, makan kat bilik tak larat dah nak duduk dalam kereta..

Yang Kheirul punya…Ikan keli Kari, Perut Kambing and ayam .Giler sedap ikan keli kari.

mine… kari ikan, telur ikan ayam dan sayur lebih. Telur ikan babe… sedap tuh. Kalori jangan kira. Lepas makan, semua lepak tidur. Penat.

Esok pagi plak…budak-budak bangun semua ajak pergi breakfast. Betul lah travelling memang buat selalu lapar. Kiterang pergi mamak lagi kat Khaleel jugak tapi location lain, Afriena makan roti kosong, Kheirul roti telur, Asraff roti bakar with egg, me roti banjir and Rayyan bungkuskan dia roti pisang.Sedap. Pastu balik bilik lepak, makan buah mata kucing yang beli kat Hat yai. Isi tebal giler and manis.

Lepas tu, check out dan misi mencari laksa penang. Jumpa yang kat Telok Bahang,so tapaukan Mc D kat budak dulu then baru ke kedai makan. Kiterang piknik siap bawak tikar.

Ni lah kedai makan dia…

Tu Rayyan tu dah sibuk nak berlari ke pantai. Best gak lepak sini. Budak-budak memang have fun la kalau macam ni.

Tadaa laksa penang sudah samapi. Rasa not bad la but I still suka makan yang kat Miami Beach 8 tahun dulu. My fren yang bawak.

Pastu pekena plak ABC tengah -tengah panas… perghhh

Tapi masa makan ni terganggu gak sebab.. Rayyan kononnya nak pi cuci tangan sbb dia kata dirty. Pandailah, dia main pasir pastu ajak cuci tangan,

pastu kata seluar basah, kena bukak seluar pastu dia duduk je kat tepi tuh..adehh macam-macam tau sikecik ni. Takleh jumpa air.

Tengahari buta dok tepi pantai… takpe tak berjalan pun takpe asal dapat rasa air laut… tu tergelak-gelak tu…. dah lah baju tinggal satu je.Lepas makan, sebelum sikecik tu masuk dalam air, semua cepat-cepat siap, pastu mengankat budak kecik yang meronta-ronta tak nak balik pergi mandi then terus masuk kereta kasi dia susu and tidur. And us saying good bye to Penang and naik Ferry plak.Macam biasa Ashraff and Afriena memang excited sebab first time merasa naik kereta atas ferry.


Things To Do When You Got Your Unifi RG TMRND Wifi Router

Hello again. OK..just to share a little bit about Unifi as TM has already changed their wifi router from D-Link Dir-615 to Riger RG TMRND Gen1.0 recently in some installations. So the same issue here which is the lack of security configured by default.

As I mentioned earlier, by default, the wireless router was configured with default settings and most of the security settings was not configured and not secured. Those unconfigured Unifi wifi router will be a wonderful place for people like me to make it as a ‘playground’ hotspots. heheheh!!!!!

So, let me share a little bit on how to make your Unifi  Riger RG TMRND Gen1.0 wifi router secure and to make it harder for those “unwanted guest”.


By using your browser, go to (by default) to the router administration page. Key-in the Username as admin and just leave it blank for the password. In other words, there is no password needed to login into the administration page.

Figure 1

1. Change the ‘admin’ password

By default the wifi router comes with admin id and no password configured… so.. sendiri mau ingat la when your wifi router without admin password. You can configure it at Management tab >> User Management  then click Edit button.

Figure 2

2. Change the SSID Name

by default the SSID name is <your-unifi-id>@unifi, so people knews that it is a default setting by Unifi and can play around with it. You can change the SSID name at Wireless tab >> SSID Configuration and click Edit Button. Key-in your desire SSID name as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

3. Change the Wifi Security Key

By default, it was not configured; and if configured, it used the 8 digit numeric pin only which can be easily being cracked by people like me. To do this, from the Step 2 and Figure-3 above, make sure the Authentication mode is WPA2-PSK and key in yourPreshared Key with a strong alphanumeric key. *By changing this Wifi Security Key – all your wifi clients (PC, Notebook, Ipad, PDA…) need to reconnect and use the new WPA/WPA2 key.


4. Enable Anti Attack Mode

In some cases, this feature are already enabled but as a precaution and confirm the Anti Attack Mode is activated you can go to Advance tab >> Anti Attack. Just enable by tick all the boxes except Enable Attack Log.

Figure 5

5. Disable Remote Access

To make sure that nobody can access your wifi router, just disable the Remote Access feature. You can do this at Advance tab >> Remote Access Control. Just untick all for total block. If you want to enable ping, advice to enable only for local ping only which is source ip with source mask only…..

Figure 6

6. Change Wireless Bandwidth Frequency to 20MHz

By default, it was configured with 20/40Mhz. This what I’ve discovered. If the bandwidth frequency is 20/40Mhz, the wifi signal is weak and the distance shorter compared if you set the bandwidth to 20Mhz only. And one more thing, some of the wifi devices such as Apple devices (Ipad, Imac, Ipod.. bla bla bla) are more stable running with 20Mhz only. You can do this at Wireless tab >>Basic.

Extra info

Adding Wifi Repeater – you can use a wifi repeater to extend your wifi coverage. In most 2 storey houses, the best way to cover all area by using a wifi repeater. There are many wifi repeater that compatible with Unifi Riger RG TMRND.  I’m using Aztech Wall-Plugged Wireless-N Extender WL556E to extend my home wifi.

Replacing the Riger RG TMRND 

If you don’t like Riger RG TMRND Unifi Router provided by TM, you can replace it with a few selected models and need  to Flash the router with the Custom Firmware. Ask the sales person from Lowyat or elsewhere about the Unifi Router Custom Firmware or else, you can say bye-bye for your Unifi IPTV.

My advice, if you want to replace the Unifi router, get the best one which have the gigabit ethernet and N+ 300Mbps wifi or better. The models that are compatible with Unifi  are:




Halal Food @Krabi

Citer Krabi tak habis lagi…. bab makan plak. Kalau pasal makan, kat Krabi nak cari halal food sangatlah senang. bersepah. Ada kedai makan ada gerai. Kiterang masa first nite ada pergi makan kat restoran, tapi rasa dia tak berapa memuaskan lah. Mungkin dah rasa yang sedap kat tempat lain kot. Anw harga makanan kat Krabi adalah mahal kalau nak compare dengan Phuket atau Bangkok.Sebabnya adalah tidak diketahui.

Masa first nite, merasalah gak naik tuk tuk versi motor. Nak naik ni kena pandai balance.hahaha Sekali Kheirul naik terus terjongket. Mamat yang bawak motor ni muslim, so dia bawak kiterang ke restoran muslim.

first nite makan kat restoran Sareefa. Oklah tapi tidaklah mengkagumkan. boleh kenyangla. Sedap lagi lagi kat Phuket. My advise kalau nak carik makanan halal just beli kat gerai tepi jalan je. Most of them halal.

PEtang tu lepas island hoping, kiterang pergi ke Aonang dekat dengan Mc D, untuk cari makanan. Jumpa lah gerai ni. Beli nasi goreng, tomyam and telur dadar. Tomyam dia sedap and berasap telinga. Nak makan kat situ pun boleh. Gerai dia bersih je.

Yang ni gerai sebelah dia, jual benda goreng.Beli nugget, popiah, ayam bakar and jagung bakar. Kita pilih je mangkuk mana nanti dia goreng.

Nilah rupa makanan yang kiterang beli. Harga murah compare tempat makan semalam. TOmyam dia sedap, banyak mushroom and udang. Ayam tu pun sedap makan dengan sos dia. Nasi goreng tu, kalau nak makan perah asam limau sikit baru kick. puas hati beli kat gerai tu.

Kasi close-up tom yam ni skit. Makan masa lapar dalam bilik ber-ekon dan jangan lupa beli fruit shake. Kat Krabi kalau mintak juice dia akan kasi ice blended juice.

Malam plak, kiterang makan lite je sebab still kenyang, so just pergi round gerai-gerai, beli sandwich for boys and for girls , kiterang makan banana pancake dgn nutella. sedap tau…Sorry gambar takde, tak tahu kenapa Keirul tak snap gambar pancake. Dan tidak lupa juga untuk beli Ice blended. Harga satu Ice blended dalam 20Baht -25 Bhat. oklah. Malam banyak gerai bukak and most of them halal.

Suasana malam kat Krabi tak happening mana tapi sangatlah menenangkan. Tak bising macam kat Phuket.Kirakan kalau time azan, memang boleh dengarlah azan. KAlau belah siang, tepi-tepi jalan pantai akan nampak ramai mat salleh dok berjemur. HEran apa ke best berjemur kasi kulit hitam