Monthly Archives: April 2010

Pati Ikan Haruan masa pantang

Bila sebut pati ikan haruan mesti you all rasa loya. Naik juling kalau dok hidu bau dia. Bau macam longkang lah.. tapi itulah ubat terbaik. I minum pati ikan haruan setiap kali lepas bersalin.

Kenapa? sebab

  • nak kasi luka dalam dan luar cepat sembuh
  • kasi kuatkan otot-otot dalaman
  • tambahkan tenaga
  • senagkan tidurku

Dulu cukup tak suka pati ikan haruan, tapi bila dah selalu minum dah jadi biasa jer. Macam minum ubat batuk plak. Bukan ubat gastrik ok, kalau ubat gastrik banyak yang keluar dari yang masuk.

Bagi yang baru belajar nak minum, cara nak elakkan muntah minum pati ikan haruan ialah:

  • tahan nafas, jangan hidu bau pati ikan haruan
  • sediakan air secukupnye, contoh air yang boleh hilangkan rasa hanyir
  • atau lepas telan pati ikan haruan tu, cepat-cepat makan benda lain, contohnye buah kurma ke, jelly ke or roti manis
  • tapi my fav is, lepas telan pati ikan tuh , I terus minum air suam.

How to Install Garmin Mobile XT for Symbian S60 3rd & 5th Edition

This information is provided as is for informational purposes only. I take no responsibility for any of your actions or consequences as a result of using this guide.

For those who used Nokia phones with Symbian S60 3rd Edition and wanted to save RM80 just follow these few steps…


  1. you can do this by using Nokia OVI SUITES
  2. once you have done your backup.. keep it safely


  1. Firstly you need to buy the Garmin Mobile XT from the Garmin distributors. I saw one at Low Yat Plaza. We support only original Garmin from authorised distributors.
  2. If you don’t have money to buy,  you can download the installation files. Where to download? I also don’t know where to download….
  3. Once you have downloaded, unzip it.


  1. connect your phone from the USB connection via ‘Mass storage mode’
  2. From your PC, install “GarminMobileXTforSymbianS603rdEdition_50050.exe” then follow the steps until finish.
  3. once finished step 2… continue with “GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe”
  4. then follow with “GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe”
  5. Remove USB connection between PC and phone. When your phone prompted ‘Launch GarminXT’,  just Cancel. Don’t and don’t click ‘yes
  6. From your phone, go to Menu > Settings > Application Manager > Installation files. Install GarminXT.sis file.


  1. These steps for those who has no money. For those with a lot of money don’t follow these steps.
  2. Run GarminXT from your phone at Menu > Application > Garmin. Please follow the sequence and select your preferable.
  3. When prompted to “buy” or “Trial”, select the far bottom options “Connect to a Garmin GPS” or in some cases select “Use other device” then you will get “Where To?” and “View map” screen.
  4. In GarminXT, go to Tools > Settings > About.Write down the  “Card ID”, and  Exit GarminXT
  5. From your PC, (don’t connect the USB to your phone),  run “garmin_k**n.exe” and enter the “Card ID” from previous steps.
  6. Click Generate and copy the codes to Notepad, save it as sw.unl (make sure it is sw.unl and not sw.unl.txt)
  7. Connect back your phone to PC and select “Mass storage mode”.
  8. Copy “sw.unl” to Garmin folder. Usually located at E:/Garmin.
  9. Download the updated maps from or and copy it into Garmin folder. You need to register as member if you want to download the GPS MAP source from… It is free anyway. Copy the “gmapsupp.img” into the garmin folder.
  10. Disconnect your phone from PC.


  1. From your phone, Run GarminXT
  2. Go to Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS. Change to “Use Attached GPS” by disabling the “Bluetooth GPS”.
  3. Go to Tools > Manage My Data > Map Sets > MapSource. Ensure that all maps are enabled.
  4. That’s all folks….



Please Google for “IMEI to UnitID Converter v1.0″ before executing STEP-5 in the Configuration Setup


Notes: If these steps does not work for you… don’t blame me!!!!

Note: Steps to download and copy maps.

  1. download maps from or
  2. by using your pc, copy the gmapsupp.img into the sdcard/garmin folder
  3. done!


Another related post:

Dah 2 minggu

Dah 2 minggu Rayyan.Tidur pun dah pandai mengiring. So far baru 2 kali dia keluar rumah. 1st, pergi hospital for check up. Alhamdulillah takde apa.2nd,pergi beli infant carrier and stroller. Reason kena bawak sebab nak test dia ok ke tak ngan infant carrier tuh. At the moment car seat lama simpan dulu,nanti setahun baru pakailah kasi dia pakai infant carrier dulu. selesa sikit.L epas 40 hari banyak pulak kena travel. nantilah I sharekan dia nye travel system tuh.

Now layan gambar dia yang dah start nak tembam