How to Install Garmin Mobile XT for Symbian S60 3rd & 5th Edition

This information is provided as is for informational purposes only. I take no responsibility for any of your actions or consequences as a result of using this guide.

For those who used Nokia phones with Symbian S60 3rd Edition and wanted to save RM80 just follow these few steps…


  1. you can do this by using Nokia OVI SUITES
  2. once you have done your backup.. keep it safely


  1. Firstly you need to buy the Garmin Mobile XT from the Garmin distributors. I saw one at Low Yat Plaza. We support only original Garmin from authorised distributors.
  2. If you don’t have money to buy,  you can download the installation files. Where to download? I also don’t know where to download….
  3. Once you have downloaded, unzip it.


  1. connect your phone from the USB connection via ‘Mass storage mode’
  2. From your PC, install “GarminMobileXTforSymbianS603rdEdition_50050.exe” then follow the steps until finish.
  3. once finished step 2… continue with “GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe”
  4. then follow with “GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe”
  5. Remove USB connection between PC and phone. When your phone prompted ‘Launch GarminXT’,  just Cancel. Don’t and don’t click ‘yes
  6. From your phone, go to Menu > Settings > Application Manager > Installation files. Install GarminXT.sis file.


  1. These steps for those who has no money. For those with a lot of money don’t follow these steps.
  2. Run GarminXT from your phone at Menu > Application > Garmin. Please follow the sequence and select your preferable.
  3. When prompted to “buy” or “Trial”, select the far bottom options “Connect to a Garmin GPS” or in some cases select “Use other device” then you will get “Where To?” and “View map” screen.
  4. In GarminXT, go to Tools > Settings > About.Write down the  “Card ID”, and  Exit GarminXT
  5. From your PC, (don’t connect the USB to your phone),  run “garmin_k**n.exe” and enter the “Card ID” from previous steps.
  6. Click Generate and copy the codes to Notepad, save it as sw.unl (make sure it is sw.unl and not sw.unl.txt)
  7. Connect back your phone to PC and select “Mass storage mode”.
  8. Copy “sw.unl” to Garmin folder. Usually located at E:/Garmin.
  9. Download the updated maps from or and copy it into Garmin folder. You need to register as member if you want to download the GPS MAP source from… It is free anyway. Copy the “gmapsupp.img” into the garmin folder.
  10. Disconnect your phone from PC.


  1. From your phone, Run GarminXT
  2. Go to Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS. Change to “Use Attached GPS” by disabling the “Bluetooth GPS”.
  3. Go to Tools > Manage My Data > Map Sets > MapSource. Ensure that all maps are enabled.
  4. That’s all folks….



Please Google for “IMEI to UnitID Converter v1.0″ before executing STEP-5 in the Configuration Setup


Notes: If these steps does not work for you… don’t blame me!!!!

Note: Steps to download and copy maps.

  1. download maps from or
  2. by using your pc, copy the gmapsupp.img into the sdcard/garmin folder
  3. done!


Another related post:

118 thoughts on “How to Install Garmin Mobile XT for Symbian S60 3rd & 5th Edition

  1. kheirul Post author

    Personally I dah test n install for:
    – Nokia 5800 MusicExpress – S60 5th Edition
    – Nokia N97 – S60 5th Edition

    tepon lain belom cuba lagi….

  2. Ahmed Alem

    Thanks, I was searching high and low for this.
    Works with my Nokia N97 mini
    but where to download map for middle east ?

  3. syzwn

    ok aku da install benda alah ni
    tp signal msih xdpt ape kes?

    bile aku try gune keygen > dptkn file sw.unl
    copy paste kat dlm folder Garmin, tp msih blum dpt register lg siut tul!!

    1. sufyan

      syzwn… saya rasa bahasa anda kasar skit… sah takda orang nak membantu anda jika anda berbahasa macam tu…
      kalau boleh berbahasalah dengan lemah lembut.. baru ada orang sudi membantu

  4. shah

    salam bro..

    utk nokia 6220 classic boleh install x garmin xt ni?
    sy dh cuba..bila dah install application dia x keluar apa2
    ada suggestion x?utk nokia x6 dah cuba dan xde masalah..


  5. Syukur

    bro kheirul.. aku nk tye skit la.. ada org ckp software garmin ni boleh detect org ke? masuk no tel bimbit org 2.. dia akan carikn mana position org 2 berada? btul ke?

    1. kheirul Post author

      Garmin takbleh detect position orang tu dengan cara tersebut…
      Tetapi telco boleh buat… saya pernah hilang tepon dan saya call telco saya dan dia sahkan last position tepon saya online kat mana….

  6. Syukur

    ohhh mcm 2.. apa2 pn terima kasih ye sbb dah bg tau.. aku pun baru lagi guna garmin, ni dah berjaya install dah siap tukar voice malay dah.. hebat jgk telco ni.. hehe.. sbenarnye abg aku la yg suruh tanya.. dia ckp dia pnah tgk orang buat, pakai garmin boleh cari posisi orang 2.. masukkan no tel bimbit je.. itu yg aku pelik.. x pnah aku tengok orang buat.. ok2 x apala.. makasih ye bagi informasi tentang cara nak install garmin.

    1. Adam

      xpe la bro..dah dapat dah..tergodeh secara x sengaja..hehe..

      erm, macam ni..kalau x dapat tukar ke full version, caranya mudah je..

      selepas kita copykan sw.unl ke HP, masuk Apps > office > file manager > memory card > garmin > sw.unl..kemudian, klik sw.unl pastu rename balik semula dengan nama sw.unl

      bukan apa, bila kita dah tukar dalam PC, tapi nama fail kadang2 jadi .txt, kena rename lagi sekali dalam HP.. selamat mencuba! =)

  7. JACK

    salam bro..nak tanyalah..telco tu software atau eksesori tambahan pada hp untuk detect jika hp dicuri?kawan dah 2 kali hp hilang.umah kena pecah,dah 4 biji hp kawan hilang…mohon bantuan bro…

    1. kheirul Post author

      jhehehe,…. Symbian^3 tu latest punye os ler.. so gerenti tak jalan punye… hehheheheheh
      tak dapat membantu….

      saya dah test pada S60 3rd edition dan S60 5th edition aja yang jalan tanpa masalah

  8. Adam

    salam bro..berdasarkan kepada final config nih:-

    Go to Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS. Change to “Use Attached GPS” by disabling the “Bluetooth GPS”.

    saya dah ikut segala jenis step yang bro bila sampai final config, dia x paparkan apa yang sepatutnya bro bagitau..apa yang dia paparkan cuma “Pair New GPS”.

    bila klik, dia suruh ON bluetooth..ada solution x bro selain hantar kedai? hehe..saya guna N97 32gb..

    terima kasih..harap dapat membantu..

    1. kheirul Post author

      bro… kat Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS tu… sepatutnya dia paparkan “Use Bluetooth GPS” dan “Use Attached/Built-in GPS”… pas tu kat tengah tu “Pair New GPS”
      pilih “Use Attached/Build-in GPS” pas tu tekan Enable

  9. shah

    Salam bro kheirul…
    selepas dah install, yg kita bleh tngk hanya maps jalan ajer kan? Macam mana pulak kalu saya nk dpt kan maps topo pulak. Boleh ker buat?
    Terima kasih…

    1. kheirul Post author

      kan saya ada tulis kat situ.. kene pi download n update map selepas install…..
      sila download dan update maps dari or

    1. kheirul Post author

      Steps to download and copy maps.

      1. download maps from or
      2. by using your pc, copy the gmapsupp.img into the sdcard/garmin folder
      3. done!

      Note… Bro.. Nokia C7 takbleh install la bro… OS dia bukan Symbian S60… C7 dah pakai OS baru = Symbian^3…. So tak dapek nak confirm boley install ke tak

    2. Kamal

      dah berjaya install garmin kat c7 saya.. install version 4 pastu update installer pergi garmin version 5..
      pasal map pulak.. dah boleh detect lepas settlekan PID key dia.. cme untuk first time lps install tu mmg macam hang/sangkut.. black screen bila masuk dalam menu garmin.. biar satelite lock lokasi kita nnt trus okay… da try navigate.. setakat ni semua function berfungsi dgn baik.. thanks for your tutorial bro..

  10. zafran

    hello bro…thanks 4 the info bout garmin ni…sy ade mslh sket ni bro…yg final step 2…kat Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS tu… sepatutnya dia paparkan “Use Bluetooth GPS” dan “Use Attached/Built-in GPS”… pas tu kat tengah tu “Pair New GPS”
    pilih “Use Attached/Build-in GPS” pas tu tekan Enable

    sy E71 user…so mslh sy skrg ni,paparan “Use Bluetooth GPS” dan “Use Attached/Built-in GPS” tiada dlm list….yg ada hanya “Pair New GPS”…

    so klu bleh nk minta pnyelesaian dr bro sgt2….juz final step je ni….plzzzz bro…really need ur help…(T_T)

    1. kheirul Post author

      saya raser awak tertinggal step no 3…..
      When prompted to “buy” or “Trial”, select the far bottom options “Connect to a Garmin GPS” or in some cases select “Use other device” then you will get “Where To?” and “View map” screen.
      cuba click ENABLE.. kat bawah sebelah kanan kat Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS

  11. zafran

    still not working bro…sy xtau la np…ble bro ckp click ENABLE.. kat bawah sebelah kanan kat Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS

    sy da buat da tp dia bgtau “bluetooth is currently turned off.please turn it on”….

    so,mcm mane,sy rase mslh sy ni mungkin tgantung kot….hehehehe

    sori bro sbb bnyk tanye n mnyusahkan bro…..

  12. zafran

    bro…my garmin is done…

    sbnrnye hp sy kene gune IMEI ID utk generate ….

    br “Use Attached GPS” muncul…

    pape pun bro…thanks a lot…

    u helping m a lot…

    1. Luncai


      I just want to share my experience. I installed it on my N97 Mini and it worked. Hope it works for everyone..Have awesome days.Here’s the download link.Just follow the instruction.

      Shorter version (You can share this on Twitter or other similar sites) :

  13. bell

    sye nk install garmin nie dlm 5530xm sye tpi sye ad trbce kalo fon sye nie prlukn bluetooth gps sbb die xde A-GPS.. btol ke??

  14. cr8tive86

    congrats bro…
    just want to add couple thing that u might missed out
    1st. SW.UNL (choose save as type: All Files).
    2nd. for gmapsupp.img , there is useful link how to get the map easily

    1. jakkhoo

      i installed in nokia 5800 and E5 both working but cant use symbol ..for 5800 once get in symbol page can’t get out, have to off the phone..for E5 some symbol can’t use others can…
      Also I notice for E5 GPS signal come in real fast, even indoor i can get signal…pelik lar..

  15. Dreamer87


    I got some problem with my N8…

    when the procedure went in to this phrase
    Go to Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS. Change to “Use Attached GPS” by disabling the “Bluetooth GPS”.

    i couldn’t find the Use attached GPS…
    please advice.

    Thanks bro!

    1. safwan

      bro….nk tny skit…sy pny hp nokia x6..smua da install baik..n da msuk map latest….but…kne tekan view map garmin ni searching for satelite lame gile….ade problm mane2 ke??or ade setting xbtl lg??

  16. ijat

    saya guna samsung omnia hd..dah wat step by step tapi bile run garmin die ckp cannot find gps device..boleh tlg terangkan kenapa??

    1. kheirul Post author

      emmm… kalu tak silap samsung omnia hd guna Symbian S60 r5..
      mungkin sebab samsung omnia dia guna A-GPS… bukan standalone GPS kot

  17. tokan

    mekasih bro, aku kat sarawak ni, weekend ni nak g jejalan jauh2. nak install garmin kat cni kena rm 30, bro ada jimat aku, hehe. mekasih2
    BTW aku pakai nokia C6

    1. kheirul Post author

      yang saya bagi kat situ untuk malaysia,thai,singapore jer…
      kalu nak map euro.. pi cari n install map euro ler… pas tuh save as gmapsupp.img
      kalu nak lagi lazat… buat custom map sendiri guna Garmin MapSource… bubuh ler map satu dunia n combine dalam satu gmapsupp.img file… tapi sendiri mau ingat ler file size dia super besor ler

    1. kheirul Post author

      kalu ikut os dia … tepon satio nih guna Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5……
      so boleh aju cuba try test tengok ler boleh install ker tak.. saya belom pernah try lagi…
      kalau dah try nanti.. boleh tolong update kat sini

    1. kheirul Post author

      Bro pakai tepon sony SATIO kan???

      saya syorkan untuk google dan download satu file
      “IMEI to UnitID Converter v1.0”

      then bila dah convert to unitid.. then follow ngan generate ngan keyG**
      semoga dapat membantu

  18. zul

    salam bro…dlm zip fil map update tu ade file PRODUCT.JVC. tu nk watpe lak?lam folder garmin xde lak folder JVC kene create sendiri folder tu?sy guna c7

  19. shidi

    sory bro
    nak tnya sikit,saya ni tak pndai sgt bab download ni
    di bahagian “CONFIGURING GARMIN XT”,saya tak faham bahagian no 5 & 6..boleh terangkan sikit mcm mana nak run garmin_k**n.exe..dr mana nak dpt benda tu?pls

    1. kheirul Post author

      no 5. From your PC, (don’t connect the USB to your phone), run “garmin_k**n.exe” and enter the “Card ID” from previous steps.
      dlm zip file tu ada program ni.. so just catit nombor Card ID (dari step 4) dan generate…

      No6. Click Generate and copy the codes to Notepad, save it as sw.unl (make sure it is sw.unl and not sw.unl.txt)
      bila dah generate.. output dia tu.. copy dan paste kan dalam notepad dan save as sw.unl

    1. kheirul Post author

      signal tu for the first time memang lama…. kekadang tu sampai 30minit untuk connect to satellite….
      cuba click kat satellite icon tu then tengok berapa yang dah connect… biasanya kena connect to 5 or more satellite baru ok

  20. yan

    Hi, i dah install garmin mobilext pada satio u1, masa install garminxt.sis, dia keluar error this application is not applicable for this phone. Tapi saya install juga dan success install tapi awaiting better pgs accuracy lama sangat…more than 30min. Boleh beritahu kenapa?

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      emm… ada kalanya sesetengah tepon payah nak dapat GPS satellite accuracy dan saya pernah mengalaminya…. dalam 45 minit baru dapat….

      syorkan untuk test kat open area….. dan masa test tu… tengok berapa GPS satellite info tu.. berapa dah sangkut…. paling kurang kena ada lebih kura 5-6 satellite baru ngam….


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