6 Things To Do when you got your Unifi Wireless Router D-Link Dir-615

I just subscribed to Unifi and what I can say is the internet service is superb (for time being la)… and today I want to share a little bit about the wireless security which is a MUST be configured at the D-Link Dir-615 wireless router provided by TM.

By default, the wireless router was configured with default settings and most of the security settings was not configured and not secured. Those unconfigured Unifi wifi router will be a wonderful place for people like me to make it as a ‘playground’ hotspots.

For those who are security concern about their wifi security, these few steps could help you to reduce the risk of the ‘unwanted guest’ from being part of your wifi users.

By using your browser, go to (by default) to the wifi administration page. Key-in the Username as admin and just leave it blank for the password. In other words, there is no password needed to login into the administration page.


UPDATED (26-Sep-2011)

– TM has changed the default password for the unifi but as it is an open secret.. the password combinations mostly are:

UserName : admin
Pass : (Leave it Empty)

UserName : admin
Pass : telekom


UserName : operator
Pass : telekom

UserName : operator
Pass : h566UniFi

1. Change the ‘admin’ password – by default the wifi router comes with admin id and no password configured… so.. sendiri mau ingat la when your wifi router without admin password. You can configure it at ‘Maintenance’ tab and ‘Device Administration’

2. Change the SSID Name – by default the SSID name is <your-unifi-id>@unifi, so people knews that it is a default setting by Unifi and can play around with it. You can change the SSID name at ‘Setup’ tab and ‘Wireless Setup’. Click ‘Multiple Wireless Network Name (SSIDs)‘ and change under ‘Wireless Network Name’.

3. Change the Wifi Security Key – by default, it was not configured; and if configured, it used the 8 digit numeric pin only which can be easily being cracked by people like me. To do this, go to ‘Setup’ tab and ‘Wireless Setup’ under ‘Wireless Security Mode’ change to ‘Enable WPA/WPA2…’ and key in your WPA/WPA2 Network Key with a strong alphanumeric key. *By changing this Wifi Security Key – all your wifi clients (PC, Notebook, Ipad, PDA…) need to reconnect and use the new WPA/WPA2 key.

4. Enable WAN to LAN Firewall – by default, this was disabled. So, your wifi router was not protected by any firewall. To enable the firewall features, go to ‘Advance’ tab and ‘Firewall & DMZ’. Just tick the ‘Enable WAN to LAN Firewall’

5. Block WAN Ping Responce, Block FTP, Block Telnet and what so ever. From the step 4 above, just enable a few other extra security features as described. It will enhance your firewall security.

6. Change Wireless Bandwidth Frequency to 20MHz – By default, it was configured with 20/40-Mhz Auto. This what I’ve discovered. If the bandwidth frequency is 20/40Mhz, the wifi signal is very weak and the distance shorter. I’ve placed my wifi router in the living hall and couldn’t connect from my room, so once I’ve change to 20Mhz, I found that the signal is stronger and easily manage to connect with ease. You can change the Wireless Bandwidth Frequency at ‘Advance’ tab and ‘Advance Wireless’, change the bandwidth to 20Mhz only.


UPDATED 27-10-2011

Unifi Router Replacement 

If you don’t like Dlink DR-615 Unifi Router provided by TM, you can replace the wifi router provided by TM with a few selected models and need  to Flash the router with the Custom Firmware. Ask the sales person from Lowyat or elsewhere about the Unifi Router Custom Firmware or else, you can say bye-bye for your Unifi IPTV.

My advice, if you want to replace the Unifi router, get the best one which have the gigabit ethernet and N+ 300Mbps wifi or better. The models that are compatible with Unifi  are:

Updated 10-01-2012

Extending Wifi Coverage

Hi again, almost everyday I got email, sms, queries about extending the DIR-615 wifi coverage where Dir-615 router unable to cover all areas especially in 2 storey houses.  Yes, I 101% agree that Wifi router Dir-615 provided by TM are es-you-si-kay.

The easiest way to extend wifi coverage by adding a wifi repeater or wifi bridge to work along with the Dir-615 router.  Just place the wifi repeater in the weak spot location and it will increase the wifi signal tremendously.

There are many wifi models that supports these features. Just go and ask the shop at Low Yat or similar places about the wifi repeater/bridge.

These are a few suggested model from me:

  • Asus RT-N10+
  • Asus RT-N12+
  • Asus RT-N13U+
  • TP-Link TL-WA801ND
  • And many others
UPDATED: 02 Feb 2012
At last… I use the Aztech Wall-Plugged Wireless-N Extender WL556E to extend my home wifi coverage. Worth buying, now no more blind spots and I can extend up to 300Mbps of wifi speed. Just configured this baby as wifi repeater and it was kacangly easy.
Secondly, this Aztech wall plugged works great with my existing wifi router Asus RT-N56U which I bought earlier to replace the crappy Dir-615. It is fully compatible with Unifi.


Okla.. that’s all folks…. enjoy your Unifi.. and for those who don’t subscribe yet to Unifi….. get it now…



347 thoughts on “6 Things To Do when you got your Unifi Wireless Router D-Link Dir-615

    1. fadi

      torbaik la en kheirul…walaupun sy staff tm unifi..sy baca utk tambahkan pegetahuan sy…good idea..kiteorg pon dh educate customer utk guna router yg lagi bagus..2 salah 1 cara nak increase signal wifi..lagipon dlink tu waranty setahun je…alang2 baik tukar yg baru n lagi bagus..TQ

      1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        Yeap.. Search balik dan pilih ssid yg baru…
        Tips.. Takyah la bubuh ssid yg ada @unifi tu… Kang semua orang tahu guna unifi… Just bubuh abangsedap aja sudah memadai

  1. daniel

    salam saye nak tanye, kalau buat perubahan di atas ni boleh tambahkan speed ke? max speed utk torrent download saye dlm 550kb/s. kalau care diatas x bleh tmbh speed ade x care lain. saya pki stock router unifi .tq

  2. Nimo

    1- I would like to create 2 different Wifi networks. One is for own access and another one for public access

    2- I would like to allocate a limited bandwidth for public access Wifi. While higher bandwidth for own access.

    Can u please assist?


      1. watikh

        Tolong boss.sy dh beli aztech wl556e setahun lebih dh.tp tk pandai nk psg.tolong gitau secara perinci cara nk setup nya. sy bayar stremy kawan sebelah umh. kononnya nk tarik linenya nk jadikan wifi di umh.gotulah caritanya
        klu boleh bg no wasap, munkin senang sikit nk tanya. wasap sy 0133763046.TQ

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        caranya…. cucuk cable kat PC/notebook..

        1. secara default dia akan masuk ke admin page
        2. discover wifi SSID..
        3. pilih SSID dan masukkan password wifikey
        4. siap…

        just follow wizard dia aja… tak pon ikut aja manual dia..

  3. raymond

    Hi, great information on your blog !!
    I would like to ask, when you used the Aztech Wall-Plugged Wireless-N Extender WL556E , does it cut the wifi speed int o half like repeaters? E.g. from 5mbps to 2.5 mbps ?

    Is this basically the same as a Home plug ? So from the router need to connect a cable to another home plug as well?

    Thanks !!

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      hi Raymond….
      Aztech Wall-Plugged Wireless-N Extender WL556E is the same as other wifi repeater / wifi bridge….
      Yes it reduce a little bit of speed but not half.. from my speed test, I can still get round ++4mbps from wl556e

      tthe wl556e is not like a wall plug where wall plug need to have a pair and a cable… it does not use any cable.. just plug to the socket, configure and thats it….

  4. Steven

    Hi. I needed some valuable help from you sir. I just installed my unifi on 19.March package is with a d link dir615 router with very bad coverage. Bought a new unit of TP link Wr841 ND with the help of staff from the IT centre done all the setting without try running as shop without Unifi service. Reach home pluck in necessary connection result is wifi indicate connected BUT NOT ABLE TO SURF NET. Try every instruction from the package but still fail.
    Can you please digest any solution to solve my problems.
    Many thanks in advanced. Have a good day. Cheers

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      Steven… please follow these steps..

      1. Custom Firmware upgrade – you can download at http://www.4shared.com/file/yQ2sw21u/wr841nv7_en_3_12_7_up_110726_.html

      2. configure your unifi… get the your username@unifi and your unifi account password from TM. Normally it comes with all IDs and passwords when the installer came and install your unifi…

      3. configure you wifi SSID and WPA2-PSK key…

      4. HAPPY FACE.. wallaaaaa!!!

      all those steps you can get the guide from http://klseet.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7&Itemid=6

  5. Steven

    Thank you very much for your reply. May I know the reasons that causes this to happen.
    And the steps you suggested are they easy to do it?
    Thanks again.

  6. Steven

    En. Kheirul can you suggest wifi repeater for Tp link wr 841nd. As my daughter room do not received good signal from the router. Or any link that can guide me to transform my old router for streamyx into wifi repeater for use in my daughter room.

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      any model will do… advice to have a same brand as they can talk to each other better… so get a second tplink and set it as WDS wifi bridge and it cost you only RM85 maa….

      1. Steven

        Meaning another Tp link wr841nd. System connected with our without cable? May I have the link for this DIY connection please.
        Thank you.

  7. ZubairAsrin

    kalau dah tukar router tu, memang dye boleh increase kan speed unifi dan increase stability wifi tu x?

      1. ZubairAsrin

        maksudnya memang xkan dapat speed yg kita subscirbe la? saya amek yg 5mbps, bila buat speedtest memang la result dye laju. tp bila saya download paling laju saya pernah dapat just 700kbps. even browsing pon dah slow. saya baru subscribe unifi 3minggu. ada advice? apa2 pon terima kasih banyak. like this blog.

      2. MAN

        ZubairAsirin, jgn keliru dgn kbps & KB/s. kedua-dua unit ini x sama value.
        mbps- megabits per second,
        MB/s – megabytes per second
        1 MB/s = 8.192 Mbps.
        So, 5 mbps = 0.61035156 MB/s = 625 KB/s

        *additional notes:
        1MB – 1024 KB

        hehe.. =)

      3. Kheirul Mohamed Post author


        memang power!!!

        Saya plak nak tambah…

        1 BYTE = 8 BIT…

        so dalam masalah nih… 5mbps(MegaBit per Seconds) akan dapat 0.625MB/s (megabytes per seconds)

  8. ZubairAsrin

    En. Kheirul, saya baru purchase salah satu router yg en recommend tu. tp yg menjadi masalah bila saya dah pasang router baru tuh,saya xbole access ke internet. bila saya call customer service TP-link,dia ckp saya kena call unifi untuk tukar setting dr PPPoE ke bridge connection. betul ke?

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      ok… saya nak tanya.. you nak replace router asal (dir-615) kepada TPlink tu or you nak set the new tplink tu as wifi bridge???

      Kalau nak tukar, yes you kena tahu pppoe settings, userid dan password unifi id tu kena tahu by calling TM

      kalau nak add tplink tu as wifi bridge…. takyah pppoe.. just wifi ssid n wpa/wpa2 key sudah memadai

      1. ZubairAsrin

        ooo. saya nak tukar router asal DIR-615 ke TP-link. then the problem persist. saya xboleh nak access ke internet. bila saya call tp-link technical support, dorg still xboleh tolong jugak. bila saya pasang ke router asal unifi balik, boleh je access ke internet. saya purchase TP-link TL-WR1043ND, bila tnye org kdai tuh, memang dye ckp router ni support unifi. boleh tolong x En. Kheirul? terima kasih kerana tahan kerenah saya. =)

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        saya raser you tak configure pppoe setting kat dalam router baru tu.. tu pasal takbleh nak access internet…

        you kena ada unifi id and password… @unifi dan password dia….
        pi kat menu NETWORK > WAN
        cuba tengok gambar kat bawah ni untuk cara camne nak configure..
        CLick Sini

  9. susan

    thanks much for your help in configuring the unifi router. really appreacite your step by step instructions :)

  10. ahbo

    All this tutorial was wrong, please leave your unifi wifi untouched , otherwise if you all got problem , TM people cannot access your modem/router, in this case TM technician need to go to your house and reconfigure again.

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      just tell the TM technician the admin password. solve the problem….

      I wont let the wifi router open……for me.. i prefered to secure my wifi router and won’t let somebody to curi my bandwidth…

      psssttt.. Ahbo aaa.. can i know where is your house???????

  11. zabd

    salam en kheirul,

    Sy pasang unifi 10M. 2 PC kat rumah guna lan tapi sambung kat switch. Ada sambung 2 kabel lan ready utk NAS dan media player. Ada juga sambung wireless thru iphone dan android kat rumah. Semuanya ok kecuali lately kerap berlaku IP CONFLICT dalam network. Mohon komen dari en kheirul. Tkasih.

  12. zabd

    pembetulan..”ada sambung dua kabel lain” bukan “ada sambung dua kabel lan”

    Nak tanya, perlu ke saya define fix ip berbanding dhcp utk elakkan kes IP CONFLICT ni??? t kasih lg

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      Ip conflict berlaku kalau ada device yg guna ip yg sama.
      Kalau guna dhcp dari wifi router tu aja takde masalah,
      Masalah akan timbul sekiranya ada dhcp server lain yg kacau…

      Tadi saudara ada cakap sambung kat switch kan… Sila disable dhcp server kat switch tu untuk pastikan takde ip conflict berlaku

  13. zabd

    Salam kheirul,
    Sy plan nak beli Asus – RT-N56U nak ganti DIR615. Senang ke nak install. Configuration sama mcm DIR615 ke? Tq

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author


      Bagus tu.. saya pon dah tukar Dir-615 ke RT-N56U… memang superb router nih….

      nak configure senang sangat… kalau sangkut masa install boleh contact saya

      1. H@izul

        Enche kheirul boleh tak share berapa rege RT-N56U tu di pasaran sebagai panduan.


  14. zabd

    Salam kheirul.
    Pelik. Sy beli TL-WR1043ND dan follow step kheirul. Sy sambung 2 PC melalui switch, network ok. 2 notebook cantik wireless, cumanya ada 1 notebook ni wireless asyik berputar2 nak cari network, asyik jumpa Unidentified network dan akhirnya hanya connect ke router shj tapi gagal ke network. Pls bantu kheirul. TQVM

  15. zabd

    ….sy off semua switch dan cabut plug router & modem. Bg lebih 10 second. On balik. PC LAN semua ok kecuali notebook yg satu ni berputar2 nak connect wireless hingga keluar pulak Windows has detected an IP address conflict pd hal masa guna router lama, notebook yg satu ni ok selalu. TQ

  16. zabd

    …lagi pelik…tiba2 notebook putar alam ok pulak sambung ke network. Sy pun sengaja restart nak tengok lps tu putar lg atau ok. Ternyata ok..dlm pd itu PC yg sebelum tu ok aje LAN nya tiba2 keluar IP CONLICT…lepas tu, ok balik. Macam ada yg stabil..

  17. zabd


    Minta tolong en kheirul. Sejak sy guna TPLINK TL-WR1043ND…speed download sama ada guna cable or wireless jatuh dari 1 MB/s ke kurang 50KB/s!!!! Apa yg berlaku….minta tolong sangatttt.. T kasih

  18. zabd

    ..Sy ganti semula ke DIR615. Rupa2nya speed download juga terlalu slow. Dah tak dpt 1MB/s ke atas. Sy dah tahu apa yg telah berlaku. Maaf en kheirul kerana melayan karenah sy.

  19. asokan

    just fixed unifi. before this we were using tplink wireless usb modem for pc.. bt now we couldnt find unifi network.. it is not in list.. but my laptop can discover the unifi.. how?? plz solve this prob asap.

  20. ET Chai

    Hi, is the wall plug compatible for iptv? like i have another tv wanted to connect at 2nd floor while the modem stuff at 1st floor.

      1. ch

        off topic sikit…boleh I tanya bagi itu modem lama hitam streamyx (DSL-2640B), ada cara untuk activate itu modem punya WDS function?thx…

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        WDS tak boleh.. tapi kalau bridge mode boleh…

        bridge (kena connect via cable)

        enable bridge mode >
        log in to router >quick setup >run wizard >pppoe mode change to bridge mode.

  21. ahchai

    After doing this setting my router cannot get internet anymore, restart many times but failed. haiiyaa .. i got to call TM to come to my home again…

      1. ahsung

        Anyone knows how to recover TM Unifi router password?
        I think i changed the password before but now I can’t enter to console page.


        Terima Kasih.

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        the easiest way is to reset back to factory default… and you can enter the console with no password
        you need to know your username@unifi and password for ppoe setting. without that username & password it is useless.

        You can get this username & password from TM or when the first installation, the installer will give you a list of IDs and passwords.

  22. Din

    Bro Kheirul, nak tanya how much better is ASUS RT-56 berbanding TM nye router tu? Masalah skrg is my PC dkat blkg rumah, 2nd floor n router TM tu dpn rumah 1st floor, n signal teramatlah slow (ala2 gune internet connection EDGE kat fon). tengah carik option samada guna repeater (tp 1/2 bandwidth cam rasa xbest klu nk online gaming) or tukar router unifi tu, or tambah another router dari unifi router LAN connection tu.

    Boleh nasihat x bro?

  23. Huzaili

    Bro, since using unifi, my download speed has increased, but upload speed still sucks. I’m only getting 30-40 KB/s when backing up files to crashplan for example. Any tips on what i should do?

  24. faris

    for the step number 6 initially mine was 802 mixed(g,b) without the N but to use the 20mhz i have to change to 802 mixed(n,g,b) so which one is better? and does it affect the internet rate? i mean by changing it to 20mhz is the internet gonna be slower although the signal is strong! Which would you recommend

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      i’m using it 20mhz n/g/b… no problem.. and it is better if you put n for n compatible devices.

      in the naked eye you can’t see much the speed different either 20mhz or 20/40mhz..

      the speed is depends very much on the line quality and the exchange from TM….

      for my area… I dont have any problem with the speed.. always for nearly 5mbps (checked via speedtest.net) and the download rate is always 500-600kb/s

  25. Zahir

    Hi Kheirul,

    Nak setup proxy ikut router ni cemana? tak jumpa tempat nak input proxy server la. aku nak tgk BBC iPlayer kat smart TV. Tapi takleh nak setup proxy untuk TV je. Jadi nak proxykan network rumah supaya boleh access BBC

  26. Mint

    mekasihhhhhh….sy ikut segala instructions,semuanye berjaya….alhamdulillah.moga2 xde la kisah kene curik bandwith lagi.mekasih ye

  27. zabd

    Salam en kheirul, 
    Sy guna TL-WR1043ND. Sy ada satu NAS sambung thru network cabel ke router TP-LINK tadi. Utk FTP server, sy guna IP WAN forwarding ke IP NAS. Masalahnya bila sy restart router, kat client sy mesti  ubah IP mengikut IP terbaru WAN. Ada cara ke sy nak jd kannya FIX dgn guna nama host?? TQVM

  28. Atrash

    salam.saya nk tanya yg firewall tu perlu ke saya tick LAN to WAN?maaf saya xpasti setting2 tentang firewall ni.apa lagi yg saya boleh buat utk enhance security internet rumah saya?tq

  29. antz

    hi boss.thx for your advise and i’ve setup my unifi my own password lol..thx ..another issue .. my wifi signal is still weak even i’ve set to 20mh, only 2 bar….:( and i have a cisco modem router WAG160N used for my Streamyx previously..how can i repeat the wifi and make it stronger 2nd floor? thx

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      bro….. your WAG160N can only do wired bridge… not wifi…

      if you want to set the bridge… pull a cable (rj45) from your dir615 to your WAG160N and set up your WAG160N as bridge mode only…

      1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        go back to the original question that you ask me… you want to extend you wifi coverage by using you WAG160N router right?

        you router cannot support wifi bridge, but support wired bridge… so use cable rj45 la to extend your wifi coverage….

        the easiest way is to buy new wifi extender or wifi repeater.. cheap cheap maa.. less than rm150 can get

      2. antz

        sorry..another question ..wats the usage of residential voice password for?..tq for answering ><

  30. zabd

    Salam en kheirul

    Minta tolongggg. Kebelakangan ni router
    TL-WR1043ND sy slow sgt wirelessnya.
    3G lebih laju. Wired connection cantikkk.
    Minta pendapat en kheirul apa agak puncanya.


  31. genzo


    My dad bought the Asus RT N10+ last week and since then, my htc one x had problems connecting to our home wifi. The phone connects to the internet but I cant seem to surf/browse using the home wifi.

    The Unifi modem is downstairs and my dad place the Asus in his room and my room is next to my parent’s room.
    The weird thing is that if I sit directly next to my Unifi modem, I can use the home wifi.

    So I suspect this Asus thing is interfering my phone’s wifi and ONLY my phone, not my family member’s phone.

    Any advice?

  32. Darius


    I would like to know how to set up the connection speed in order to balance for each LAN port that consumed by every PC’s connected to the LAN ports.

    There are total 2 PC’s currently using this router and yet sometimes the 1st PC had “stealed” all my connection while downloading some stuffs yet the 2nd PC getting slower and the speed is like up to 50kbps..

    Another thing is the TM Unifi has set the download speed up to 5MBPS but how come till now my download speed at most it just provide me 500 kbps? That was like 4.5MBPS range!

    Thanks for answering my few questions!


    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      don’t be misunderstood with the 5Mbps… the 5Mbps is 5 BIT Per Seconds where the connection or the download rate we use BYTES per seconds…

      8 Bits = 1 Byte

      so if we do the maths….

      1Mbits = 0.125MBytes

      so if 5Mbits = 0.125 x 5 = 0.625MBytes

      that’s why you got the average of 600Kbps ++


      for your second question…. you can do QOS to allocate the bandwitdh to those pc that you want

  33. duwan06

    saya nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang cara nak extend coverage. macamana nak buat bridge. adakah nak guna cable ethernet juga atau tak payah?..

  34. Darius

    May I know how to set up the QOS bandwith for the DIR-615 router?

    Thanks for your kindness!

    Well appreciated ^_^

  35. darkV

    salam..nak tanye la.saya baru subscribe unifi.skrg ni masalahnya tiap kali buka site yang byk pics or vid mcm fb or youtube, banyak thumbnail yang tak siap loading tapi loading status dah tulis done.any idea?

  36. darkV

    hi.saya baru subscribe unifi vip 5.masalah skrg kalau bukak site yg byk pics and vids mcm fb or youtube.selalu nya byk thumbnail yang tak siap loading tapi loading dah stop and tulis status done. kene refresh baru lah loading disambung dan page jadi complete.any idea?

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      sorry bro.. tu masalah browser bro…. ko clear cache n kalau takleh gaks.. ko install browser lain macam chrome ker or firefox… kalau takleh gaks….format jer pc tu balik bro :))) gurau jer

      1. zaid

        Salam Kheirul,
        Offis saya baru ada unifi biz 10 fixed ip, tapi contrator tm kata kena ada router lain untuk share internet. Configure 2nd router tu how, sambung kat mana. kami ada 2nd router tp-link tl-wr841ND. Tolong help.

      2. zaid

        pas tu, contrator tm tu kata dir-615 tu untuk wifi sahaja. So, 2nd router to sambung kat dir-615 or kat Huawei 3rd port?? nk configure tl-wr841nd ngan fixed ip tu mcm mana?

      3. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        kalau macam tu… memang betul kene beli router baru dan boleh cucuk terus ke huawei tu….
        nak configure kene ada skill tahap gaban.. sbb dia dah main dengan fixed IP.. pas tu plak kene memain dengan NAT (network address translation)….

        nak tahu skit.. ko beli 10 fixed ip tu kenapa??? nak buat hosting sendiri ker?? macam mailhost / web server sendiri ker??
        kalau ko dah nak buat hosting sindiri tu… aku syorkan.. jangan beli router.. tapi beli FIREWALL lagi bagus.. sebab FIREWALL ada semuanya… routing, nat, filtering.. dan lagi secure

        pas tu plak… semua wifi router ko tu.. cucuk jer kat bawah firewall tu… selesai…

        cuba pi usha firewall macam… sonicwall, fortigate… aku syorkan pakai fortigate 100d memang lazat.. kalau tak mampu pakai yang 20C or 40C pon jadila

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