A birthday gift for him

Lagi beberapa hari nak masuk Januari and it’s gonna be a birthday month for Kheirul. Dah berapa minggu I dok pikir apa hadiah nak kasi kat dia.Maklumlah I tak kerjaa, so kalau nak kasi hadiah budget ciput jer, tu pun dari duit bithday man. hehehe

Tapi this year nye birthday, he’s going to get super nice hadiah, sebab we got a chance to travel  somewhere sponsored by one of Asia’s TV Channel. Not only traveling, siap masuk TV lagi.Alhamdulillah… itulah rezeki namanya.

Some where tu iarlah rahsia dulu, bila confirm baru kiter citer.Travelnye next week, so tunggu je la. Need to do some shopping sbb kena beli jacket for Rayyan sbb dia belum ada lagi winter gear. Takdelah snow kat sana cuma sejuk jer. so just prepare for him. Ashraff and Afriena tak ikut sbb sekolah lagipun the ticket only for 2 . Cuma Rayyan dapat ikut sebab I request.Kesian nak tinggalkan baby yang masih menyusu.

Tapi takpe…bulan 3 and 6 ada holiday plan kan. Cuma Afriena request nak main salji jer…. nak buat snowman, pastu letak carrot kat hidung hahaha.

ANW, hope the birthday man will enjoy the vacation sbb he got a chance utk “menembak” tanpa gangguan…

Oklah sekian saja…..

5 thoughts on “A birthday gift for him

  1. big momma

    congrats yatie n kheirul!!!!
    bukan menang hadiah melawat chef kegemaran anda ke?
    bobby chin? cake boss?

    cant wait for the updates!!


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