HTC Aria Review – Get Connected – Part #3

This is the Part #3 from the previous:

Using a smart phone  without internet broadband is a really useless.  So, the first requirement for smart phone is able to get connected to the internet. As for me, I’m using DiGi Postpaid plan for more than 10 years already to get into the internet is really easy. Basically I don’t need to do anything to get connected to the internet. No need to signup or renewal and it has already activated with the DiGi Internet Unlimited plan. The best part for DiGi Postpaid subscribers is the internet charges cropped at RM149/month with unlimited access. Rasenya DiGi is the cheapest compare to other telcos… tak caya.. cucuk sini

Tapi kan, kalau nak safe duit… I better get the 3G Unlimited plan for RM68 monthly. For that amount, I can use unlimited surfing hours with DiGi Broadband at anywhere I like…. (dalam Malaysia la)..

For those who user DiGi Prepaid plan, don’t worry… jangan risau… DiGi also offers Internet Unlimited @RM15 a week  and Intenet Unlimited Max5 @RM5 a day.

Tapi kan… Hot deal from DiGi lagi syook….If you want to own a HTC Aria… go and find out the coming soon DiGi Smartphone plan … Just click at the pics above and leave your contact to get informed….So guys… what are you waiting for……..

OK…Abis bab iklan….  Now let me share a little bit on how I use to get connected to the internet with HTC Aria. Let me list out here:


Email is the most important thing for me now. By using HTC Aria, I can get connected to my mail instantly. I can read, reply, forward email as I was using a normal PC with HTC Aria. With DiGi Internet Unlimited plan, I can stay always online everywhere I go.


Yeah… somebody said that surfing through a phone is crazy… but sometimes when you’re on a go, you need to get a very important info immediately, so the best gadjet is a smart phone lah.. With HTC Aria, the internet browser is as good as a PC browser. You can do almost everything with the HTC Aria internet browser. If you want to try something different, you can go to the Android Market Place and install other browser such as Dolphin browser or even better Opera Mini browser. These will boost your browsing capabilities. Normally, I surf for news such as Utusan, Bharian, hmetro and my favourite Harakah Daily. Other than news, of cause la my sawanila and check my Nuffnang.

Sosial Network

I’m really addicted with these nowadays.. Facebook is the most lah… Now, I can stay hooked with my facebook anytime and anywhere. HTC Aria was pre-installed with Facebook apps and widgets so it make it easier to get connected to facebook with HTC Aria. And not to forget… without DiGi Internet… these features are nothing la…..

Another thing that I like to do is to watch youtube.. not only me… even my kids like to watch youtube especially watch Tom & Jerry show or Mickey Mouse…. One good thing about DiGi Internet is the speed are very stable and constant. Watching youtube with DiGi Internet is as good as watching TV… no lagging at all….. superb speed.

Internet Sharing

This is really cool features with HTC Aria. By using the USB cable, I just slot into my notebook and I can share the internet connection already. These few days I’m always on the go and to get my notebook connected to the internet I just share the internet connection with the HTC Aria. So no need another broadband dongle to surf internet and just use the HTC Aria together with DiGi Internet Unlimited will do.


To list out everything is impossible when you’re connected to the internet. So why don’t you get your own HTC Aria with the DiGi Smartphone plan…then you will get the juice and the sweetness of this phone…..

Lastly, please stay tuned for my next review about this fantastic HTC Aria smartphone….. don’t miss it…

6 thoughts on “HTC Aria Review – Get Connected – Part #3

  1. sufyan

    alamak….. slack ler…. android 2.1…. kalu android 2.2 boleh buat Wifi Access point dah….. boleh share wifi internet connection ramai ramai……

    1. kheirul Post author

      aku raser HTC mesti akan keluarkan Android 2.2 sikit masa lagi..
      aku dah test HTC Desire yang guna android 2.2… siap boleh buat wifi ap sendiri tu…
      hari tu masa pi the curve… kita orang dah try connect 3 handpon android kat tepon tu… surfing internet speed kira mantap gaks…

  2. sufyan


    aku nak cakap skit.. aku dah test tadi.. HTC Aria kau nih… cuma nak komen skit.. dia tarak SWYPE technology….. so ada skit lambat untuk aku taip…

    aku rasa kalau ada SWYPE technology nih mesti meletop punya

    1. kheirul Post author

      weh.. swype tech tu masih baru beb.. kalau tak silap aku tepon samsung galaxy terbaru tu dah build in ngan swype tech kot…
      buat masa sekarang nih HTC Aria nih belom ada lagi.. tapi tak mustahil skit masa lagi tech tu akan menjadi standard kepada semua touch screen input devices….. ko kene tunggu ler
      aku ada terbaca ada mat salleh dah gode-gode htc aria dan installkan swype… tapi aku tak berani sbb swype tu masih belom officially ada mat android market lagi… just kene tunggu dulu


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