Monthly Archives: October 2009

The Birthday Party

Seperti yang Ashraff and Afriena tunggu…. tadaa the birthday party.The birthday party was on Friday, after PE class. Pukul 7 , I dah start masak for the kids. I just fried mee hoon and goreng keropok. Cupcake dah settle on Thursday.Sekolah pun ada sediakan makanan jugak. Ada kuetiau and mee goreng hari tuh…

The Birthday boy and girl – lupa nak bawak candle….

The Birthday cakes – BEN 10


and versi conteng-conteng…

Punyalah meriah budak-budak nih dok pilih nak cake aper…

Cikgu pun sempat amik gambar….

The party sekejap jer dalam 45 minutes gitu sbb kelas start balik pukul 10. tengoklah muka AShraff tak puas hati ngan member dia sbb semua dok cop nak BEN 10.

Some of the gelagat budak-budak…

Muka comot lepas makan cake

Macam-macam style dorang lepak…nak-nak dapat makan kat luar…

Sukalah dorang dok layan camera….

Kalau nak tengok gambar lagi click SINI.Till next year for the party. See you kids!!!!!!!

Note: Punyalah bising budak-budak ni… pekik sana, lompat sini… mmg respectlah teacher yang handle budak-budak nih….

H1N1 Advisory For Patients

I found the this is a good advisory given from my office Safety & Health Secretariat. Feel free to read…..just click the image down here

When you are unwell with Influenza-like illness (ILI), practise the following:

Be socially responsible

Stay at home and rest. Drink plenty of clear fluids like water and clear soups to prevent dehydration.

Minimise physical contact with others including household members.
Keep yourself in a room separate from the common areas of the house, use a separate toilet and avoid having meals with others.

Wear a mask even when at home to avoid transmission to household members. Dispose your used mask in a plastic bag, tie it up and throw it into a covered rubbish bin. Wash your hands thoroughly after disposal of the used mask.

If you need to go out, wear a surgical mask.

In addition, you should also:

  • Avoid close contact with other people.
  • Avoid taking public transport.
  • Avoid attending large meetings or visiting crowded places.
  • Refrain from air travel if possible.

Special care should be taken to avoid the following groups of persons who are at high risk of developing Influenza-related complications:

  • Children < 5 years
  • Pregnant women
  • Have underlying medical conditions such as asthma, chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease
  • On dialysis
  • On immunosuppressants
  • Undergoing cancer treatment
  • On long-term aspirin therapy
  • Persons aged 65 years and older

Observe good personal hygiene

Cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing. Dispose the used tissue paper in the rubbish bin properly.

Wash your hands every time you touch your nose, mouth or eyes.

Maintain good indoor ventilation.

Wash/wipe surfaces soiled with sputum, phlegm, nose discharge or vomit with 1:50 diluted household bleach (i.e. adding 1 part of bleach to 50 parts of water) immediately. Metallic surfaces can be cleaned with 70% alcohol.
If you need to come into close contact with anyone, both you and the uninfected person should wear surgical masks and maintain a distance of at least two metres from each other.

If you have been given medical leave, do not return to work or school before the end of the leave period.

Emergency warning signs in adults

Emergency warning signs in children
All the warning signs listed above, plus

Happy 4th Birthday to Afriena

Hari genaplah 4 tahun Afriena. cepat masa berlalu. dah 4 tahun budak kecik nih.


(tu gambar masa umur 3 bulan lebih kat Pulau Kapas)

SInce dah 4 tahun banyak benda yang dia tahu buat. but for her she knows everything. mcm minah kepoh gitu. But off course cute kan. Insya’ allah bila dah ada adik nanti rajin kot tolong mama dia.Pasal homework tip top. balik sekolah terus bukak buku buat homework baru makan. Pasal melawa no.1.Tapi bab manja tuh… hish tak bleh tahan….what to do anak manja papa dia kan….