Tag Archives: Taekwon-do

Kelas Taekwon-Do Pertama

This is the first Taekwon-Do class yang saya ajar untuk tahun ni selepas beberapa bulan membesarkan perut. Saya sudah mengajar Taekwon-do sejak dari tahun 1991 di Kuantan Pahang dan sambung mengajar di ITM Shah Alam tahun 1992 semasa saya jadi student kat sana… so tahun ini adalah tahun yang ker-17 saya mengajar di UitM… peerrrhh kalau ada budak,.. dah abih tingkatan 5 SPM dah budak tu…

Kalau dulu… student TKD saya ramai dalam 150 orang tetapi sekarang ni sambutan student UITM merosot skit… tapi tidak jadi masalah.. janji saya ada student yang berkualiti dan bersemangat… Saya bangga sebab saya telah berjaya mendidik beberapa pelajar sampai keperingkat Black Belt.. ada diantaranya sudah mencapai Black Belt 3rd Degree….

Hah.. ni dia penggerak utama TKD di UITM Shah Alam. Chief Instructor iaitu Encik Eizam 5th Degree (gambar kiri belakang), Asst Chief Instructor saya lah tu Encik Kheirul 5th Degree (gambar kiri depan) dan Encik Rukman 4th Degree (gambar kanan)..

Hah ni dia aksi Front Kick

So… lepas ni kalau jumpa saya.. jangan ler plak takut.. heheh saya tak makan orang punye…

I was promoted to 5th Dan Black Belt

Alhamdulillah, Yesterday, (Sat-16 Sep 2008), I was promoted to 5th Dan Black Belt after a very hard grading test by two Taekwon-Do Grandmasters which were Taekwon-Do Grandmaster Dato’ Dr Sabree Salleh (9th Dan) and another Taekwon-Do Grandmaster CS Lim (9th Dan) from Canada.

There are 6 candidates yesterday where 2 of them took for the 3rd Dan, another 3 of them took for the 4th Dan and only me took for the 5th Dan.

It was a very tough and hard grading test where most of the candidates got injured and scares especially on the forearm. Even, I got a muscle shocks on my right leg and bruised my left middle finger. Even until now it is very hard and painful to move around.

At the end of the grading test, we have given a very long words from Grandmaster Dato’ Dr Sabree Salleh and Grandmaster CS Lee and from now onwards I’m an officially promoted to Global Taekwon-Do Federation 5th Dan Black Belt, International Instructor and Examiner.