Tag Archives: Ramadhan

Ramadhan ke-7 yang Menyelerakan

Apa ada atas meja pada  7 Ramadhan semalam… emm… nampak sedap gaks tu.. dah sememangnya sedapppp… Ayam Masak Kicap ada… Fat Choy Sos Tiram ada… Fish Ball Sup untuk bebudak ada…Jemput-jemput Pisang kegemaran ramai ada… Roti Goreng pon ada… dan tak lupa.. telur mata.. huh….. ni macam baru berselera untuk berbuka…. takyah beli kat kedai.. semua masak sendiri aja…

Kasi close up skit.. AYAM MASAK KICAP ni


Pizza Vs Asam Pedas for Buka Puasa

Huhuhuh… pizza for the children and Asam Pedas Ikan Merah for us,…. hhhuuuuhh…. these are the terrible combination for the 5th Ramadhan buka puasa.

This a homemade pizza.. the toppings are very simple… pineapples, onions, capsicum, prawns, sausages and not to forget a lot of a lot of cheeeeese

baked for 15 minutes and this what we get. The children loves it very much…..

but for us.. we prefer the kampung style… Asam pedas ikan merah, kailan goreng with prawn and telur dadar…..

close up a little bit…. emmmm looks terrrrriiible isn’t it….