Happy Birthday to you 8 Replies Happy Birthday to you , Papa From 4 of us. Mama, Ashraff, Afriena and Arrayyan
big momma 18 January , 2011 at 2:33 pm happy birthday to Encik Kheirul!! kirimkan sebiji cup cake tu…. Reply ↓
sw33tdarling 18 January , 2011 at 4:36 pm happy bday!! cupcake mmg cantik tp entah kenapa saya tak boleh nak telan, rasa manis jerkkk Reply ↓
babybooned 18 January , 2011 at 9:32 pm happy birthday! hahahaa ini gambar cupcake lama eh? hehehe lawak betol Reply ↓
happy birthday to Encik Kheirul!!
kirimkan sebiji cup cake tu….
big momma.. cake tu dah basi tahun lepas punya
happy bday!!
cupcake mmg cantik tp entah kenapa saya tak boleh nak telan, rasa manis jerkkk
Happy birthday, Se!
happy birthday! hahahaa ini gambar cupcake lama eh? hehehe lawak betol
hihi this year tak buatla…tak sempat :(
Happy Birthday Mr Papa, semoga panjang umur murah rezeki