Chap Ayam Double Din Car Audio System and Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE 5

In Action: Garmin Mobile XT

No worries and won’t get lost anymore if you have a GPS unit installed in your car. And now, A Chap Ayam Double Din Car Audio System comes with build-in GPS system already. Not only that, it can plays movie in DVD, Divx format, MP3, CD/DVD and the best part is, it come with TV/radio receiver and build in SD Card plus USB slot. For less than RM1K, this is a complete China Made Car Audio System that you need nowadays.

This car audio system used Windows CE 5.0 as the operating system and once it used Windows, you can play around with it. It’s really cool when you can install multiple GPS system such as Garmin, Papago or even Mapking in the same unit. But for me, I like to use Garmin only compare to Mapking and Papago. The reason is Garmin is very easy to navigate and fast navigation system compare to others.

Installation is very easy!

  • First of all you need a 2GB SD card.
  • You need the Garmin-20w or Garmin-30w Mobile XT for Windows CE 5.
    • Try Garmin-20w first, if not compatible then try Garmin-30w
  • Extract the zip file
  • By using your PC, copy Garmin folder into the SD Card.
  • Slot in the SD card into the Car Audio System
  • From the Car Audio System menu, Select GPS Setting, launch [SD-Card]\Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe

From the above steps….


  • Now Jot down the Card ID…
  • exit Garmin and Switch Off the car audio system
  • Take out the SD-CARD and slot into your PC

  • Generate by using the Card ID as the input….
  • copy and save the output as sw.unl (using notepad)
  • copy sw.unl into the SD-CARD/Garmin folder
  • DON’T FORGET TO DOWNLOAD the map first.. please download from or and copy the gmapsupp.img into the garmin folder in your SD-Card
  • Once copied… slot your SD-Card back into your car audio system
  • Switch on and launch [SD-Card]\Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe
  • If everything is OK, you’ll get the below screen..

Once loaded… you’ll prompted.. click I Agree

You’r done….

Updating the map is also nutty easy…. go to or its free anyway. Copy the gmapsupp.img into the Garmin folder and you’re on the go already…..

For those who have successfully installed in your DD, do please put a remarks in the comment section below.


137 thoughts on “Chap Ayam Double Din Car Audio System and Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE 5

    1. kheirul Post author

      saya belum pernah cuba install garmin pada win ce4.2 lagi.. saya pon tak pasti compatible ke tak.. tapi saya dah cuba dengan win ce 5… memang boleh jalan…

      Guide tu.. saya dah email ke saudara

      1. jeff

        salam …sye pakai player double din cap ayam ..sbnarnye sye x berapa paham lg nak buat gps d player ni ..heee…bnyak jugak step kne buat ye

    2. Kamal

      Sama tak steps nak install garmin mobile xt MW ngan windows CE. Kalu sama, boleh tak gunakan freebasemap dan supportfiles yg sama. Thanks

      1. kheirul Post author

        Tak sama…
        Untuk Windows ce nih tak payah install.. cuma perlu download zip file tu pas tu extract ke folder Garmin.. then generate sw.unl… yang generate sw.unl tu sama aja ngan gmxt….
        freebasemap sama.. tapi supportfiles tak sama…

        cuba download dari link GARMIN kat posting nih

    3. husaimi


      1. kheirul Post author


        Cuba ikut step by step apa yang saya buat kat atas tu.. itulah caranya.. kalau tak boleh gaks.. pi kedai n diorang charge RM80-150..selesaiiiiii

  1. Kamal

    Salam Kheirul,
    Saya dah try byk kali, tapi tak boleh juga unlock garmin tu. Dah generate sw.unl dan copy ke sd card, tapi bila pasang kat player dia tak jumpa gps. Kenapa ye

    1. kheirul Post author

      kamal… masalah tak jumpa GPS??? saya kurang faham skit….
      sw.unl tu untuk unlock garmin aja….
      tak jumpa signal gps or tak dapat load GPS software…?

    2. Byron

      hi, after copying the garmin folder in the sd card and running the garmin.exe file in car stereo. the connect a garmin GPS popped-up, after clicking, it went to “scanning attached” tried to skip and it hanged. do you need to complete the scanning attached or could it be skipped? thanks

      1. kheirul Post author

        yes… you can skip it… click NO to skip…
        follow from the figure #2….. you no need to “scanning attached” device.. just click NO

  2. Kamal

    Masalahnya tak boleh unlock garmin. Signal dapat, sebab sebelum ni guna mapking ok. Sepaturnya bila kita dah copy sw.unl ke dlm garmin folder, bila kita on garmin, menu yang ada trial, lisence dan buy garmin code, tak keluar kan, dia akan terus ke menu yang mana kita boleh select gps device.

    1. kheirul Post author

      ok.. saya baru paham…

      Tools > Settings > About….
      ada dua nombor.. satu CARD ID dan satu lagi Unit ID kalau tak silap….
      cuba generate guna card id…then copy sw.unl….
      kalau card id tak boleh pakai.. guna plak unit id…. harap dapat membantu….

    2. zul

      erm..aku rse aku tau masalah ko..
      ok, try tgk betol2..file yg di save tu jadi UNL file atau x..
      sbb masa nak save kne tekan tulis sw.unl then ko kne tukar jenis file kpd all file..jgn biarkan jenis file tu text
      try wat…

      1. kheirul Post author

        betul gaks tu.. kemungkinan file tu dah jadi sw.unl.txt….. so kene make sure file tu sw.unl aja….

        betul kata zul…. kene tengok file extension tu betul betul

    1. kheirul Post author

      basically no need to do anything.. the audio come with the default english female voice….
      secondly you can adjust the volume in audio setting…..

  3. Abu Ahsan

    Saya dah cuba install tapi tak berjaye pula, padahal saya punya (chinese 2Din) dah ok jalankan iGO8.. please.. help me

  4. WTTH

    bro Kheirul, less than RM1K ? betul ke ? where to get ?
    Kawan I just beli more than RM1.5K, and another thing different is that dia punya tak tunjuk Arrival Time (bottom right), Garmin di N95 memang ada and your picture juga nampak ada, can he update his Garmin from your web and replace his garmin to correct this problem ?
    Ada cara untuk install Papago ?

    1. kheirul Post author

      saya beli kat kedai Abang(brothers) RM950 aja. upah pasang + wiring + rev cam wiring = RM200 lagi…
      kalau nak replace boleh tapi saya syorkan install kat SDcard yang lain.. murah jer sdcard tu RM20 aja….

      untuk Papago.. make sure screen resolution double din tu 480×272 dan bukan 480×234 kalau tak screen kene cropped bhg bawah

  5. zack

    Thx Bro selepas susahpayah sakit otak nak pikir camana nak settle problem gps keparat ni nasib baik la
    terjumpa lak sawanila nih!! selamat la masa dan wang ringgit!!

    terima kasih bebanyak bro!

  6. sammanir

    knp aku install utk doule din tak dpt.dia punya model DA-621.aku beli kat china.toukeh kedai tu ckp dia guna piooner copy system

  7. sammanir

    kalau OS Proprietary sendiri bikin…macam mana nak install garmin
    kalu nak format sd kad kena format dlm FAT ape

  8. jekinmeroh

    Alhamdulillah…jadi bang. Byk dah try len len punya sopwer, tp abang punye gak leh masuk cap ayam saya nih. dah boleh nampak map dan location saya, cuma bila tekan alamat dalam “where to”, dia reset back….tapi takpalah..alhamdulillah dah nampak peta tu..

    1. rosli

      slam cik kheirul.. ada tak totorial untuk garmin/papago install dekat locatoo.. dia punya window ce 6 leh masuk tak garmin ni kat win ce 6?

      1. kheirul Post author

        saya belum pernah cuba lagi.. tapi ada orang cakap boleh buat… anda boleh cuba dengan cara kat atas tu pada SDcard lain…. kalau boleh sila update kat sini

  9. chegudin

    Saya punya DD cap ayam win ce 6… dah install PPGx3 480 X 234..alhamdulillah jalan…tapi PPGX3 ni ver 2009…interface kurang menarik. tak der 3D simpang jln…3D bangunan..kalau map boleh install ..fikir nak install garmin mobile XT…ok tak interface dia…dan kat mana link garmin mobile XT…please

    1. kheirul Post author

      garmin mobile XT ni pon takde 3d simpang + bangunan….
      tapi saya suka garmin berbanding PPG pasal garmin ni laju dan cepat.. kalau recalculating tu cuma amik masa less than 3 secs…

      link ada kat atas tu kalau nak cuba install

    1. kheirul Post author

      saya pernah cuba install kat DLAA… memang boleh…

      lepas “connect to garmin GPS” tu.. click NO.. jangan click yes….

      kalau takbleh gaks…. format SDCARD tu.. dan copy balik… dan start dari awal balik…

    2. aizat

      bro kheirul…dah 2 kali format.
      tapi tempoh mase tunggu untuk lepas tekan ‘connect to Garmin’ sangat lame bro..adela lebih 10 minit..last2 saya fadeup, matikan kereta..xkan x muncul2 Yes or NO tu…atau, memang kene tunggu lame eh?

      tq bro

      1. kheirul Post author

        saya dah banyak kali cuba…. dari step 1 ke step 2 tu… masa menunggu paling lama dalam 2 minit aja…. pas tu mesti yes / no tu muncul.. tak pernah plak sampai 10 minit….
        workaround yang boleh saya fikirkan adalah… cuba pada sdcard yang lain.. pakai sdcard 2gb or 1 gb aja.. jangan pakai lebih drp 4gb….

    3. aizat

      salam.bang…saya dah try 2 Sd card.dah format siap..install balik..tapi masih x boleh.

      so, tadi baru saya godek2.saya tgk system dia tulis WIN CE 6…maksudnye x boleh gune ke?

    1. kheirul Post author

      rasernye… sw.unl tak betol tu.. kene generate balik dan pastikan sw.unl… bukan sw.unl.txt

      secondly.. masalah tu akan muncul jika map tak unlock… saya syorkan jangan pakai official map dari garmin.. just pakai freemap dari MFM or MSM…….

  10. seb

    bro, i did everything as per display. unfortunately, when i copy mfm gmapsupp.img into \garmin, it didnt show any map..also there is no poi available…can u help?

      1. MAT

        saya pun dpt problem camni jgk..dh copy file gmapsupp.img kt folder tiada dlm list bila running garmin..adakah map juga perlu di unlock?

  11. gilos

    salam bro,
    saya try pakai device id sebab takda card id…dah copy jadik unl file (bukan txt).
    tapi bila masuk dalam dubel din tu, dia still pergi ke tmpt nak masuk nombor utk register…

    kena pakai card id jugak yer?

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      Bro… nak tanya:
      – adakah sd-card tu 4GB or more? – dinasihatkan pakai 2GB aja.. sbb adakalanya 4GB sdcard ada skit bengong…..
      – kalau takde card id.. cuba generate pakai “0” (buang”” tu.. kosong ye bukan o) then copy balik sw.unl tu ke folder sdcard/garmin

      kalau tak membantu gaks.. download Garmin-30w tu dan ulang balik steps-steps dari awal….

  12. mazuk79

    salam..saya baru beli dvd db din.memang chap ayam je..apa yg confused tu dah buat step yg awak suruh tu..tapi still blank(hitam je).memang dah beli dah blank apabila click gps desktop..apa nak buat boleh bantu

      1. mazuki79

        ON dvd player click gps display and still blank..masuk sd card (alreary program and map)stil blank..saya punya brand dvd din sama picture di atas..adakah kene install window ce dulu kedlm dvd din saya???

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        ok… saya paham sekarang nih…
        step yang kene buat …press button GPS (button volumn)… then screen color biru muda keluar… tekan SETTING, Select GPS Setting, launch [SD-Card]\Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe

        tak perlu install wince…

  13. jai

    -DD ada icon gps tp xtau support x gps function.macamana nk tahu support ke x?
    -kalau amik sd kad dr DD lain yg dpt gps then mskkan ke DD sy terus bleh function ker?TQ

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      tak semua DD support GPS.. ada sesetengah DD yang optional GPS (ie.. kene add on GPS kit baru ok)

      ok kalu nak tahu senang aja… KEBIASAANNYA… kat atas dashboard ada satu kotak antana GPS sebesar lebih kurang kotak mancis….

      no.2 kalau amik sdcard drp DD yang support GPS… Kalau DD tu support GPS boleh.. tapi kalau DD tu tak support GPS… takboleh….

      1. azhar

        Salam..akhirnya jumpa jg sifu yg bole install garmin dalam win ce..saya baru beli DD(chap ayam jgk).. tp dtg skali dgn PAPAGO X8.5 .. Dah copy forder garmin seperti arahan pertama. bila on garmin, welcome screen garmin (hitam tu) ada, kemudian keluar setup(pilihan online yg bahasa cina tu) nak pilih yang mana? pilihan pertama atau yg kedua? kalau pilih pertama terus dia kuar ke explorer..dan tak boleh on dah..terpaksa reset balik DD tu..tlg beri nasihat..tq

      2. azhar

        masih x boleh…hanya boleh sampai welcome screen Garmin(hitam) dan pilihan online(biru), lepas tu tiba2 exit dan x boleh masuk balik..trpaksa reset DD balik, baru boleh mula semua.. saya guna win ce 6. win saya ada masalah ke

      3. azhar

        mmmm…sape2 yang dah berjaya install dalam win ce6..tlg share ye…. skrg guna papago x8.5..mmg x puas hati..recalculate lambat..routing tah ape2…. tolong..nak guna garmin jugak..

    1. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

      Tak semua dd support garmin,
      Cuba tengok os (operating system) you punye dd tu…. Adakah ia wince 5? Kalau wince 5, memang boleh dengan syarat dd tuh memang ada build in gps or gps kit dah pasang.

      Satu lagi make sure kotak antana pon pasang dan kebiasaannya kotak antana ni dilekatkan kat atas dashboard

      1. Rosdi m.m.

        TQ bro for tutorial. 3 hari mencari mcm mne nk install Garmin kt Win CE 5, akhirnya berjaya gak.

        TQ so much…

  14. Sariyahi

    WinCE 6 Chinese mmg x boleh, x tau pasai pa. Nk install MUI English pun x masuk. Kalo wince 6 english, saya dah try, no problem.

      1. Sariyahi

        Agak teknikal jugak. Nak kena run explorer.exe dulu. Dari situ kalo kita tegok tulisan cina, memang sah la china punya. Boleh kot jawab tera tu..
        Tang mcm mana nk run explorer.exe tu yg teknikal. Nak kena godeh2 sikit

  15. suhaimi

    bro. saya pakai double din apexi model apx 6565hd. saya dh try masuk software kat sd card tp bila slot kat player dvd tak kluar pape tak pn file nk setting takde.

  16. Amar Maliki

    cmna cara nk install garmin dlm win ce 4.2???
    saya ada baca komen kata 5.0 dan 4.2 ble.. guna step di atas ja ka?? dulu saya pernah instal yg garmin 10w punya..dh berbagai cara & study djh try buat..xlepas gak..

    ni nk try balik mana tak ada rezeki xyah tukar DD..huhu

    mohon bantuan

      1. fauzi

        salam& terima kasih kerana berkongsi cara-cara nak install garmin ni. Dan sememangnya sgt2 berguna utk saya yg suka buat DIY ni.

        da ikut suma step tu dan finally nampak ok. tetapi bila nak search map utk navigasi, akan kluar prompt lebih kurang camni la:
        “the map cannot use the feature. pls visit for info”

        dan ada masa bila tekan item yg lain (cth – my location, find place/POI kekadang garmin tu trus logout jer.

        ada sesapa or en Kheirul pernah encounter masalah camgini tak? and possible solutionnya.


  17. fauzi

    oic, saya pun rasa map problem juga.

    hujung mggu ni nnt sya try godek-godek skit map tu guna link yg en kheirul beri tu.

    anything, sya akan update lagi.

    thanks a lot.

  18. Amar

    bila saya nak pergi ge GPS icon, Dia cakap “Cannot Find HBS.txt” kenepa ye???? saya punye unit Caska k5019 dan dulu pakai powermap z9

      1. azmie

        cmner nak tengok model win ape.. saya pakai model oem toyota ader gps papgox3.( x leh updtae map). xbest langsung..leh ke masuk garmin nih..mohom tolong trime kasih

      2. Kheirul Mohamed Post author

        Bro.. Nak check pi kat dd system info… Lain dd player lain caranya.. Tapi ada la kat situ… Kena pandai gode gode..

        Utk ppgx3… Nak update maps senang giler bro.. Just download n copi jer… Blh download kat

  19. zul

    salam bro..saya guna double din brand apexi ap-7000hd
    boley tlg emailkan x cara nak masukkan gps ni kat player saya..saya x tahu player ni guna window jenis apa..
    saya dah try yg bro tu..tapi bila card read dia jadi stop..
    bila masukkan sekali lagi memori kad dan terus buka gps
    dia jadi blank skrin ja..harap bro dapat tolong..emailkan kat saya ok..saya tunggu..thanks..

      1. arif

        Salam tuan boleh tak whatsapp saya 0147231278 mengenai file upload tuan garmin tak boleh download dah huhuhu……boleh sent tak saya pon guna win ce 5.0…

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