Welcome to The New Sawanila.com V10…..

Welcome to the new Sawanila.com

We are doing a major site reconstruction.. Come and have a look on our reconstruction progress…..

Due to some technical difficulties with the old platform, we have made the hard decision to change Sawanila.com website to a new platform which used WordPress as the new based platform. Slowly, we will try our best to migrate all the older posts here and please let us know if there is any difficulties to access our sites….

This is really hard for us but please support us and tagged along the progression….



7 thoughts on “Welcome to The New Sawanila.com V10…..

  1. Saiful

    Nice new look…
    lagi clean dan tak berserabut…

    takpe… slowly migrate the old contents over…..

    man-man bro.. you’re the man……

    1. kheirul Post author

      Buat masa sekarang nih Forum masih belum migrate lagi.. nanti bila dah fully migrate posting main site baru forum akan saya buat..
      so mintak maaf bebanyak…..

  2. sabm7475

    i see, ok no problem go slow and congrats for the coming new member dlm famili. Saya pon dok ada yg nak mai bulan 8 nanti insyaallah.

    1. kheirul Post author

      pachat… no worries….. google index tu senang aja… pakai sitemaps.xml… hantor kat google.. then google akan indexkan balik…
      page rank tuh takde beza sangat,,,,,,


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