Monthly Archives: November 2008

Bala Chalet Cameron Highland

HI you all… ni saja nak share Chalet yang kiterang duduk masa pergi Cameron Highland last April…. mana tau kot kot you all plan nak pi sana…

The chalet not bad sbb very stylish with colonial style. 4 of us pergi sana for 2 nights. Room rate was RM600 for 2 nights sbb kiterang amik Family suite. Tak boleh…. budak dah besar tak boleh share bilik.So It has 1 Queen bed and 2 singles bed. no aircond (tak payah sbb sejuk giler). FYI, toilet dia bersih ok.some more toilet dgn shower separate.

ni lah signboard dia

Our chalet

scenery depan chalet

dalam bilik

tempat parking

kat belakang chalet…

pastu kat depan chalet kiterang tu ada taman bunga… sorry no pic.Insya Allah kalau pergi lagi sekali, kiterang amik gambar banyak-banyak

So sesapa yang berminat boleh la check out website dia… Nothing much to enjoy kat Cameron Highland tapi kalau nak release tension mmg sesuai…

Let’s Talk About Nasi Ayam

Most of us love Nasi Ayam or Chicken Rice…. There are a lot of varieties that are available for Nasi Ayam such as Nasi Ayam Hainan, Nasi Ayam Kampung, Nasi Ayam Berlada, Nasi Ayam Berempah, Nasi Ayam Madu and Nasi Ayam What So Ever!….

The most important thing about Nasi Ayam is the RICE and the AYAM (Chicken)… The rice is the main factor for a good Nasi Ayam… The rice must be moist and not dry.. on top of that, the rice must have the taste of the chicken stock plus the aroma… What I want to highligh here is, a good Nasi Ayam you can eat only the rice without any other add on.

Secondly, the AYAM or the chicken must be perfect. The chicken must be soft and juicy… without that.. please don’t call it Nasi Ayam.

Besides all that, the soup and sambal also give an extra credit for a good Nasi Ayam.

Sometime I do eat Nasi Ayam from the stalls or restaurant an I found that these are the common failure that kicked my appetite off:

  • The rice are too dry… still acceptable but still can eat la…..
  • The rice are not well cooked. (mentah) – potong steam betol yang ni
  • The chicken are too dry…
  • The chicken are too hard…sometime can’t even chew the chicken…
  • The chicken no taste at all… forget it…
  • Too much MSG (ajinomoto) in the soup.. it will make me feel thirsty

Sometime I feel that I’m not getting what I’m paying for….

Nowadays, the price of Nasi Ayam has gone up like the price of fuel also… Last time I can get a nasi ayam for RM2.50 only but now the price has shoot up to RM4 per plate (stall) and for the good nasi ayam like the Hainan restaurant it cost you more than RM10 per plate….

hehehhehe….. this is the last part….. I’ve so much of complaints about nasi ayam and I ask my wife to cook nasi ayam for me la…. so these are the standards that I’m looking at right now for a good nasi ayam…..





Bulan Hijrah

Sekarang ni ramai antara kita dah tak tahu bulan Hijrah.. bila ditanya tahun Hijrah sekarang.. semua ternganga aja… termasuk ler saya sendiri kekadang tu dah tak ingat tahun Hijrah + bulan-bulan Hijrah…

So semalam, dengan kelebihan yang Allah S.W.T bagi.. saya pon download ler satu scripts dari internet untuk convertkan bulan Masihi kepada Hijrah…. pas tu tampalkan kat ni….. *kalu korang perasan ler….

ok kat sini disenaraikan bulan-bulan Hijrah…..

  1. Muharam
  2. Safar
  3. Rabi’ul Awal
  4. Rabi’ul Akhir
  5. Jamadil Awal
  6. Jamadil Akhir
  7. Rejab
  8. Sya’ban
  9. Ramadhan
  10. Syawal
  11. Dzulka’edah
  12. Dzulhijjah

Ingat .. tahun Hijrah untuk tahun ni adalah 1429… dah tinggal sebulan lebih aja lagi untuk awal Muharam tahun depan….