Monthly Archives: September 2008

Sup Petola dengan telur


  • 1 pcs of petola – cut nicely
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cloves of garlic – minced
  • salt and pepper
  • enough water to make soup
  • some glass noodle
  • some oil


  • heat some oil, then fry mince garlic till fragrance
  • then add some water
  • once boiled, knocked the egg
  • once egg cooked , then add in petola, glassnoodle
  • taste with salt and pepper
  • once boiled, off fire then ready to serve

Sawi Jepun with Oyster Sauce


  • Sawi Jepun -di celur
  • 3 sudu sos tiram
  • 4 ulas bawang – di hiris
  • sedikit minyak untuk menggoreng
  • 3 sudu minyak bijan


  • masak sos tiram dengan satu sudu air dan minyak bijan
  • tuangkan keatas sayurl
  • panaskan minyak
  • goreng bawang putih hingga garing dan tuangkan minyak serta bawang keatas sayur tadi
  • sedi ontuk di hidang

p/s: semasa celur sayur tambah sedikit garaam dan gule supaya warna nye menarik. hidangan ini boleh juga digunakan ke atas terung.

Rsepi Ayam Goreng Bende


  • Chicken slice
  • turmeric powder
  • 3 inch ginger – slice
  • 2 cloves of garlic – slices
  • 1 big onion – slice
  • 1 red chili and 5 ladiesfinger
  • enough oil
  • salt to taste


  • put all the chicken and tumeric in your frying pan . Cook them untill it tender enough
  • Once all water access dry out, add in oil
  • Heat the oil, ginger, garlic and onion
  • Stir them,then add chili and ladies finger , keep stiring
  • taste with salt

Servce with White rice.