Tag Archives: Holland

Back Soon

Going back soon… yey esok balik… but gonna miss my world wide Colleage here. Wish I could work and live here… tadi pergi amsterdamm jenjalan… tak byk tempat pergi and shops mahal… lagipun all this thing was not planned..

well believed it, I travel to amsterdam back and forth alone.

and tomorrow, my office mate akan hantar sampai airport tak lah boring memintak ada internet ….

papa,ashraff and afriena… miss u so much …

In Holland

alhamdulillah finally i’m connected. get 24 hours internet connection for 17 euro and off course company pay for it. yep got it with good diplomatic request. insya’allah esok i will post someting interesting. suhu hari ni 6 darjah celcius ok lah dah biasa dah muah muha…makan ok byk roti and cheese

suhu sejuk sgt so my nose bleeding.

well will update more tomorrow ngantuk dah ni