Tag Archives: Disneyland

Live Blogging – Nuffnang Friso Disneyland Trip – Part 3

The time now is 9:25 am.. and we reached the HK International Airport for going back home.. We are very very the very tired but our excitement level is undiscribable… just to wrap out our trip to Hong Kong…

Day 1 – we went to Wan Chai… makan the best Dim Sum in the world.. then we took ferry to Tsim Sha Tsui. Walk to Clock Tower, Ave of Stars… take a few pics with Jacky Chan, Jet Li, Anita Moi and few other superstars….

Then we took MTR to Mong Kok… The shopping heaven for Yatie… bought a lot of goodies here.. for those yang nak fridge magnet.. hehehhehe… bodek-bodek la… kakakakka

Day 2… we spent a whole day in the Disneyland… we manage to cover all the rides + the 3D theater.. the most paling canggih 3D yang we all pernah masok… siap ngan bau, basah, panas, angin, ribut taufan semuanya cukop…

Day-3…. woke up early.. then straight to the airport…..

Sorry la pasal plan to have a lot of live blogging.. tapi masa dan internet connection plak susah kat sini…. bukan macam kat kl.. mana mana boleh dapat free wifi… kat sini.. cakap jer ada wifi… tapi kene bayar.. and it is so mahellll… so kita orang ada peluang kat airport aja untuk buat live blogging sbb kat sini FREE…and VERY FAST…

nanti kita orang akan cerita lagi….

ok… Time is running now.. we need to catch the plane to go back home… nanti I akan postkan gambar-gambar yang menarik…

Live Blogging – Nuffnang Friso Hong Trip – Part 1

We spent the whole morning to pack for the trip.. We packed just for our need only because we want to left some space for he goodies to bring home…

Oh ya.. This trip was sponsered by Friso.. so we bring along one brand new Friso 4 as Ashraff and Afriena will need this milk before sleep. Some HK$$$$$$ for the duit belanja… + a few credit cards for STANDBY.. kakakakaa…

And the last but not least, my beloved D300, a few lens, SB-800 flash gun, battery packs, ++ 16GB and 4GB flash memory, a few USB thumb drives and all my cam accessories in one bag… heavy huh…..

— To be Continued —