Tag Archives: Birthday

Afriena Birthday

Lambat Entry keluar..sebab gambar lambat upload. Birthday Afriena was on Saturday masa finale masterchef blogger. So kiterang celebrate on SUnday. Bawak dia pergi beli cake kat Baker’s Cottage and suruh dia pilih. She chose same cake sebab dia kata sedap. Mama dia punyalah dok recommend Cheese Cake… Takpe lah..

Still nama Ashraff jugak ada atas cake tu.. sbb dorang  nye birthday beza 3 hari je kan…

So Happy Belated Birthday Afriena…. Nanti kita pergi  project baking sesama ok….

and Happy Birthday to me :)

Not So Surprise Birthday Party

The Birthday cake….beli je. hajat di hati nak buat tapi takde air pulak. Actually Afriena dah plan dah nak buat rainbow cake….

Since birthday Ashraff and Afriena 3 hari beza, so sambut sekali lah…

Punyalah excited both of them

Mesti dorang happykan dapat cake….Patut snap gambar Rayyan yang pelik semacam…

Apa yang tak surprisenya???

Me and Afriena plan nak buat surprise birthday untuk Ashraff since dia still demam kan.. so yo yo o la Afriena suggest… Dia cakap macam ni

Afriena : Mama, let’s hide the cake under the table


Afriena: So Ashraff cannot see the cake, then when Ashraff home we say surpriseeeeeeeee

Me: Ok ok

Sekali bila Ashraff balik, baru bukak pintu je… Ashraff mama bought cake for you.. it’s in the fridge!!! Apada Afriena..kata nak surprise.. awal-awal dah bocor rahsia…. hampeh…

Excited punya pasal la tu