Category Archives: Sites News

Nokia Ovi dan

Salam semua,

Sebenarnya citer ni citer lama tapi nak gaks tulis pasal nak abiskan masa lapang ni…

Kepada semua yang menggunakan tepon Nokia, tak kira tepon Nokia apa pon.. korang semua boleh download dan install apps dari Ovi Store. Apps ni bukannye special sangat pon.. cuma dia akan paparkan status update untuk Blog tu aja… lain lain features takde ler sangat…. So kalu korang nak dapatkan latest update from dan korang guna tepon nokia.. hhehehehe install apps ni segera..

Cara nak install senang aja..

Step 1: Pi launch Ovi Store apps

Step 2: Kat Search bar tu.. pi search “sawanila” dan click Search

Step 3: Click search result:

Step 4: Click Download

Final Step: Click Install…… Yabedabeduuuuu!!!!

Welcome to The New V10…..

Welcome to the new

We are doing a major site reconstruction.. Come and have a look on our reconstruction progress…..

Due to some technical difficulties with the old platform, we have made the hard decision to change website to a new platform which used WordPress as the new based platform. Slowly, we will try our best to migrate all the older posts here and please let us know if there is any difficulties to access our sites….

This is really hard for us but please support us and tagged along the progression….

