5 reasons why my blog’s traffic so low…

Last week I attended one web/online marketing talk we had discussed a lot on how to gain web traffic. Everybody was trashing their heads to come out with ideas on how to gain more and more traffic. I was sitting there watching and listening,  listening and watching sampai tertidur la… THEN… my thinking bulb lights up.. TINGG!!!!!!….. I just thinking in the opposite way which is why the traffic is so low….
I quickly jotted down a few points that came out of my mind which are:

1. Not Controversial

The top of my list is being Not Controversial. If you write something controversial and make the public mad at you, for sure your web/blog traffic will go sky high.  You don’t need to be politically controversial but just make a statement that might be controversial enough that will bang somebody’s head. For example...”Eh eleh.. dia tak sesuai langsung pakai baju merah…. nampak gedik jer..” or another example…“aparah… dah tua bangka pon nak menyeksi lagi ker… seksa mata aku tengok..”

Being a controversial will not only boost your traffic but it also let the reader to came back to your blog to find out what’s the latest news about the controversial story. So, you got the returning visitors back.

2. Not Glamourous

The second in the list is not being glamourous enough contributes to lack of traffic to your web/blog. It does not mean that you need to be glamour but it is enough if the people surrounding you are glamourous enough to get more publicity. For example, get to know some public figure such as artist ke, supermodel ker, politicians ker… or some very well known celebrities or just act as celebrities pon boleh. In other words, try to selit selit pics with celebs in your postings then it will helps….

3. Not Socializing

Being a katak dibawah tempurung also a reason why your blog traffic is very damn low. If nobody knows you, and they even  did not know that you’re exist… so for sure nobody will visit you blog bro….. I like a phrase by my late father …“Get to know people then people will know you” To get more traffic to your web/blog, you need to establish a reputation with other bloggers as well. So guys, there are a lot of the bloggers communities in town today and just hooked on them. Hah.. the easiest way is to join Nuffnang. Get to know them and attend their event. Paling senang.. buy a big KIPAS and kipas them all the way…… Gerenti MASYUUKKKK……

4. No Updating

Fair enough, if your blog not updated or just published old stories, viewers will flew away. Reading a boring and stereotype posting also contributes to lack of visitors. A study made by me, I found that web surfers or users like to read web/blog that frequently updated even they write just a few line of sentences. That’s enough already to attract more traffic.

5. Not Informative

Information is a key for web. Everyday people googling or searching for information. An informative blog will always shows up if the search criteria are met. So guy, be more informative in your writings. For example, put some keywords that always used. You can use Google Trends or anything similar to see what are people looking for.

So guys…. what I say over here may be true… but please don’t quote these statements if anything happen to you OK…. I’m not responsible for that…….

Salam… Kheirul

8 thoughts on “5 reasons why my blog’s traffic so low…

  1. baby102

    tapi ada juga blog yg boring2 je, balik2 tulis convesation between her lover, or her friends tapi tetap traffic gila2. maybe dah rezeki dia kan.


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