Monthly Archives: February 2010

We were in Singapore

Last Friday, again we went to Singapore. Ada kenduri. My beloved cousin more like own sis kahwin. I pergi attend jer. Takde tolong langsung. Maklumlah , badan dah berat giler. nak move around dah rasa susah sangat. Perut dah besar mangalahkan badan.


I letak gambar dululah… more pics coming. Best thing about wedding,dapat jumpa sedara mara, gossip and makan-makan. But this time round, I sit a lot sbb too tired. My mom was there too. Tak dapat jumpa kat kampung , jumpa kat another place.BTW gambar kat atas tuh was from my cousin, Nana… thanks cuzzie.

Phew.. I have 20 cousin+1 and lucky semua nama aku ingat…..

And Kheirul was one of the photographer for 2 days…good job darling

Edited by Kheirul

Nih untuk Starter Aja… Nak panaskan badan aja nih…. Takbleh letak semua kang boring plak….

Gambor nih terpaksa letak watermark sebab nak elakkan orang ambil buat cover mag. hehhee….

