Exin Day out

Last Year…. 31-12-2008, we had an outing. So all of us, Exin Asia family went out for bowling, lunch and Karaoke. What a very happening event!!

Around 10am, our day start with speech from our Mr boss….continue with best employee ceremony… wah wah

congratss MK How….

FYI, she got the MacBook… oh ye, that’s my helmet yang interframe ok

Note: Boss bile I boleh dapat itu MacBook?

Then after that we proceed to Cosmic bowl,kat mid Valley jer. main bowling. So we have been divided to 2 teams.

  1. Melvin’s Team
  2. Yatie’s team

This is Melvin, not in my team…. call him Mr Hello.

Suzen… Melvin team. She bowl memang boleh tidur. too slow

Suhaida…Melvin’s team… not bad gak minah ni main bowling

Afni, Melvin team jugak… minah karaoke

Chee Yong…Melvin’s team jugak…. ini lencai rajin tau…. known as Chee San hahah

This is Zul, my team… pandai main bowling…jangan kacau .. dah kahwin anak 2 ok!!

How… ni sama mcm suzen, bowl memang boleh tidur… anyway thanks how belanja satu opis mkn seafood. FYI, she very hardworking tau

Ni Derick.. …. ok la main bowling but karaoke.. suara pempuan pun boleh buat.. ala mcm suara Ziana Zain lagi you.. auuw

After bowling… semua dah lapar so next was Lunch at Tony Romas….Not going to review their food because for me, the food not really yummy and the service not that good compare with other restaurant.But still will show you the food pic..

The set of appetiser…. onion loaf sedap.. other? not really

This is my lunch set….the meat not really tender and dry.Well the waiter not that good in customer servicing. he should ask how the meat should be…the fries pun sejuk… but the coleslow not bad

Lepas makan, me and suhaida went for praying and after that join the group for karaoke session. Frankly, I don’t like karaoke but still enjoyed it. See what I have done durring K session?

amik gambar kasut… which one is mine?? hihihi

Lastly, let me introduce you the Waiter of the day (not the Tony Romas waiter ok)

Tala…… my boss la (abisla aku kena pelangkung cakap dia waiter)

this is my boss also in my team… the best boss ok… mana nak dapat boss baik cam nih?? (puji lebih sket – tapi I ikhlas).. tolong angkat air lagi…. .

to my colleagues… enjoy the pic ok…. sorry for late update.. busy…

FYI, my team won the bowling session hihi tq boss for the hadiah…

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