Monthly Archives: October 2008

October – Birthday Month

October is really our month. Why???? It’s our birthday. This month there will be 3 birtday celebrations.

  • 12-10-2008 – Ashraff 4th Birthday
  • 15-10-2008 – Afriena 3rd Birthday
  • 20-10-2008 – Yatie 30th Birthday

Well, papa will be the poorest guy because he has to buy us present. Don’t you papa??

Besides our birthday, below date will be

  • 13-10-2008 – Kak Ija Birthday
  • 18-10-2008 – Abah Birthday

Feel like, I’m getting older. Anyway, I do not have any wish list as I have all what I want. But if you friend really be so kind to give a birthday present, please you’re welcome.

Boleh buat menantu tak????

Look at this girl…the way she sit really in good manner, like old folk says, boleh buat menantu… Does she look so wanita melayu terakhir?plus she playing masak masak. FYI, she melaram pink baju kurung, pink shoe and handbag (which she requested to buy it).

But later when you see belo pic… sure everybody ask…boleh buat menantu ke ni????

with her kain yg terselak + playing boy’s toy with her handsome brother.My handsome boy always remain cool