September 11 – Our 5th Aniversary

5 years ago , at this time, I was in my room in Kelantan having my face been make-up and touch up by my cousin and me getting ready for Akad Nikah and proceed for bersanding. The ceremony was for whole day. I know it’s tired but I want everybody could join my day including my relatives from Singapore. Most of my friends not here, yep it was working day.But my ex-classmate was there (she passed away 4 years ago), Most of my primary school teacher was there as well. It was a great day but tiring.That’s was my wedding day without professional Mak Andam (only me and cousin) do the “painting”. But I’m still happy.

Well, How I met him??? He was my Taekwon-Do Instructor. we met year 1997 . 6 years later we decided to be together , yes married!!. I thought 6 years together make me known him well but nope. Everyday I realise , much more things I don’t know about him.A year later, blessed with chubby boy and another year later a cute girl.We are very thankfull to Him with the blesses. 5 years together, many things happen. We’ve been on the bumpy road, even fall in the hole. We was in sadness and happiness.Anyway, it was a test from Him.

I know he loves me very much, don’t you papa?? And he knows that I love him very much. He was my first love okay!!.And I’m proud that I have him as my husband.

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