Monthly Archives: September 2008

Siakap Kukus


  • 1 big fish – could be siakap, bawal emas or ikan sebelah
  • Lot of ginger (young ginger)- sliced
  • Light soy sauce
  • splash of Nampla sauce
  • sesame oil


  • Spring onion
  • coriander leave
  • garlic
  • tsp cooking oil


  • place your fish in a big plate
  • put in ginger, light soy sauce,, nampla sauce and sesame oil
  • steam for minutes
  • Once cooked, heat oli and fry garlic till brown
  • then pour garlic and hot oil on the fish
  • steam for mins, then garnish with spring onion and coriander leave
  • ready to serve



  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1/2 cup self raising flour- sifted
  • 1/4 cup corn flour -sifted
  • 2 tbps hot milk
  • 1 tpbs cooking oil
  • 2 tblspn strawberry essense
  • a drop of red coloring
  • 100ml whipping cream, whipped till stiff peak form


  • Preheat oven at 150
  • Beat egg yolk with 1/4 of sugar, mix well
  • then add in flour little by little
  • Add milk
  • Add cooking oil then add colouring, mix well
  • Beat the white egg with 1/4 sugar
  • continue beating untill thick and glossy
  • then fold the batter with white egg
  • pour in a greased and lined baking pan and bake for 10 mins
  • Place on paper, spread with cream and roll the cake
  • chill in refrigerator before cutting and serve.

p/s: As a first timer, I could say this is the most easiest cake to bake

Weekend yang paling tak best

Today is Sunday…. lamanye my weekend. This weekend is the paling tak best ever. whta with this weekend??? My husband working. from Friday nite till now (papa bangla pun tak kerja weekend tau). So Saturday I had iftar alone. I just cooked western fried rice which my kids love them so much. The fried rice, I add cheese hotdog, chick nuggett , egg, green peas and red capsicum. 3 pinggan dorang makan (off course I suap ok) while me only had 1 small plate.Today , supposed go to my sewing class to complete my project but looks like have to go after raya because nobody want to babysit my “babies”. For today, I cook Ayam masak sambal, sup kobis dgn fishball (requested by ashraff ) and pengat pisang (ashraff had 3 pcs of it right after his evening shower. So today, kids had their fireworks aka bunga api with their friend , Tze Ann. after that I start cooking , shower those kids and feeding them……….lambatnye berbuka….