We were in Singapore


We were in Singapore for 5 days. Raya pun kat sana. Very tired.To make it short… I summarized our holiday ala malas-malas.Actually Kheirul ada conference kat sana for 3 days and since I tak nak raya sorang kat sini so have to follow sambil jumpa sedara-sedarakan.

WHERE WE STAYED – Marina Mandarin Hotel. Not bad la hotelnye but the location susah nak carik makan except you have to walk to Beach Road or Esplanade to get something to eat. Ada foodcourt and fastfood nearby tapi boring er kalau mkn the same ting everyday.

WHAT WE ATE – Makan banyak but the most I liked is sup tulang merah kat Beach Road. Sanggup tau kiterang jalan kaki from Suntec to Beach Road.Best to enjoy with Roti Perancis.We ate sup tulang merah 2 malam berturut-turut kat different kedai.Sebab nak tau mana yang best cos nanti nak pergi lagi.

WHAT WE DID – banyak lepak kat hotel and window shopping. Barang ada banyak mahal esp for baby’s stuff. Tapi terbeli jugak selipar Adidas sebab tak tahan pakai Nike lenguh kaki.

HOW WE TRAVELED – Masa ke Singapore, me and 2 kids naik flight Air Asia. Takdelah leceh pun naik cheapaircraft infact, staff dorang menbantu esp bila I showed them the pregnancy letter.Handling 2 orang budak betul-betul penat. Very hyper tau. terpekik-pekik mak dia kat Airport. Sampai sana kena tunggu Kheirul sampai dulu sbb dia naik flight lain. About an hour jugak dok lepak kat Airport. Then masa balik KL, we took bus plak sbb the kids nak naik bus.Masa kat Singapore, We did ride MRT and bus jugak. Tak susah kat sana very convenience.

Sampai disini saja coretannye….tak banyak sangat citer jenjalan sebab not first time pergi sana. It was 3rd times for kids and for me entahlah ke berapa kali sbb I was grew up there.

Nanti gambar will be up in different post. hihi tak byk gambar sbb the photographer not working he was busy with conference. So only used my small camera.

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