Fine Dine @ Bobby Chinn Restaurant

Finally, Ada jugak masa untuk review pasal my best dining experience at Bobby Chinn Restaurant.It was last  Thursday event. Ni gambar masa tengah tunggu our team to go to Bobby Chinn Restaurant. Masa ni baru pukul 5.45pm tapi dah gelap and sejuk sangat. So baby kena siap pakai jacket. Hehehe I suka jacket dia. So cute. Baby GAP punya.

Finally, we got the time to write this review about our exclusive dine at Bobby Chinn Restaurant. It was last Thursday (6th Jan), about 5.45pm, pics below… we were waiting at the hotel lobby and it was so cold and dress up the baby with jacket. He was so cute with the GAP jacket….

Dalam pukul 6pm macam tu semua dah berkumpul and terus bertolak. Amik masa 30 minit gak nak sampai sebab jalan jam. Sampai sana, cameraman semua dah tunggu for shooting. Hahah cam pelik jer shooting TV sbb first time. Kalau shooting for magazine adalah 2-3 kali. Rupanya susah gak nak berlakon pastu baca skrip. hihihihi. Make up? sendiri make up je. Macam tak make up je kan.Malas nak layan make up semua sebab jap lagi nak makan, lagipun sejuk-sejuk gini takde mood . :)

At about 6pm, once everybody were there, we started our journey and it took us 30 minutes to reach the restaurant. Once we reached there, the cameraman was already there and started capturing video of us. So for the make up??? I just put a simple make up only.

Ha masa ni baru sampai restaurant tingkat atas. Mata kiterang bulat bukan apa sebab terpegun dengan Restaurant Bobby Chinn yang penuh dengan Roses. Kat dinding and atas meja. Bau pun semerbak. Rayyan pun terpegun.

We were fascinated when we saw the Bobby Chin Restaurant, the decorative is superb with red roses and it was so beautiful and romantic.

Tak caya? tengok meja. Bukan meja kiterang jer tapi semua meja and I rasa dalam toilet pun ada sebab I ada baca review blog orang lain cakap camtuh. ANW, review pasal makan will be in English and Malay sebab peminat Bobby Chinn ramai jugak dari luar. Lepak 5 minute gitu, Bobby Chinn pun sampai and greet us. Wau macam tak caya I dapat jumpa dia sebab selalu tengok dalam TV je kan. Siap cakap , I am your fan. He is so humble. macam mana you all tengok dalam TV macam tulah kat luar. Cuma kat luar dia boleh buat suara donald duck sebab dia cakap dgn Rayyan. Lepas tu dia introduce his manager, Cuchi. Very nice guy .

Not only our table that was beautifully decorated but all of them. And for sure the toilet was also decorated as such.. heheh. Anyway, I’ve to write in English as well as Malay because Bobby Chinn fans are a lot out there to read this post.

5 minutes after that, Bobby Chinn greet us and what we can say is Bobby Chinn is very friendly and the same as seen on TV. He like to make jokes also as he talk like Donald Duck with Rayyan. After that he introduces his manager, Cuchi. He was a very nice guy.

Orange Juice

Lepas tu dia tanya nak makan apa? So I cakap, ” SURPRISE ME!!!” ala ala Ratatouille je kan. Tapi kiterang cakap lah anything as long as no pork no lard and no alcohol. We prefer seafood. While waiting, Juice orange sampai dulu. Tengok jelah jus tu macam mana. Very fresh.

Then he asked us what do we want to eat? All I can say ” SURPRISE ME!!!!” just like Anton Ego in Ratatouille. hehehe . But later we explain that we prefer seafood , no pork, no lard and no alcohol.  And while waiting for our food, we got to drink a freshly squeezed orange juice. OMG It’s refreshing

Crab Corn Soup

Tak lama dalam 10 minute gitu sambil-sambil kena amik gambar, soup dia datang dalam cawan cute . Ni namanya Crab Corn Soup.Masa mula-mula dengar nama suop dia, dok terpikir gak apalah rasa sup dia siap cappucino. Sekali ceduk…$^$%&^^% Mak aih sedapnye… Rasa ketam dia yang manis beserta dengan jagung segar. Nak kata macam bubur jagung pu ye sebab boleh rasa jagung dia . Tapi rasa dia macam sedap sangat. The cappucino sebenarnya datang dari foam.

While everybody busy snapping photos and me busy adoring the place , here came the appetizer, Crab Corn  Soup. The soup was really extra super delicious. The freshness of the crab meat blended with the sweetness of corn and the fragrance of cappuccino made us so in cloud 9.

Corn Bread, Cheese toast

Tak lengkap sup kalau takde roti. Ada Corn Bread, Cheese toast ker? and another bread . The corn bread giler sedap sebab selalu makan corn bread rasa dia macam biasa jer. But this one is really macam jatuh cinta pandang pertama. sampai sekarang dok teringat. Corn bread tu manis, siap ada jagung boleh kunyah-kunyah, manis tapi terlalu manis and lembut macam kek.

We had bread as well . I like the corn bread,cheese toast very much. Very sweet taste like you eating corn itself. And the bread soft like a cake! believe me! I am a bread lover!!!!

Even Rayyan enjoyed the bread. He ate the bread a lot. The cheese toast as well. :)

Grapes rolled in goat cheese with pistachio crust

Tengah syok makan bread, datang hidangan seterusnya. Nampak cute sangat. Grapes rolled in goat cheese with pistachio crust. Ia adalah cuma sebiji anggur. Walaupun cuma sebijik sorang tapi amatlah enak dan memuaskan. Raa buah anggur yang manis, beserta dengan rasa keju kambing yang lemak dan kacang pistachio jugak yang sedap. Masa I gigit tuh rasa macam.. Ya Allah sedapnya. Dalam hati, ni mesti kena buat nih one day. I have the recipe . :)

After the bread, next meal. Grapes rolled in goat cheese with pistachio crust. The is the cutest meal . Taste ? For those who doesn’t’ like goat cheese will like this menu. The juice of the grape, the taste of the cheese and crunchiness of the nuts.. It really drive you NUT!!!

Seared Alaskan Day Boat Scallop

Nama menu ni adalah Seared Alaskan Day Boat Scallop. Senang citer, scallop yang yang digoreng masak medium rare . Yang kaler hijau tuh ialah edamame. Sos hijau tu pulak puri kacang peas. Rasa dia ? Scallop tu dimasak medium rare, sangat juicy dan moist and ada sikit rasa lemon. Mungkin sebab diletak sedikit minyak lemon. Saya suka presentation dia…

This is Seared Alaskan Day Boat Scallop . The scallpo been seared for medium rare and served with edamame and pea puree. The scallop was so juicy inside and crisp outside. I like the presentation. Looks like a boat.

Sous-vide Egg with caviar and smoked potato

Yang ni plak Sous-vide Egg with caviar and smoked potato. Masa mula-mula meal ni sampai puaslah Cuchi dok terangkan apa benda sous-vide ni. I ingatkan seaweed. Tu yang balik terus I google, apa benda nikan. A bit scarylah masa menu ni samapai sebab I ni kureng sikit bab makan telur masak separuhkan. Tapi sebab ada kaviar I teruskan jugak. Rupanya, dugaanku salah sebab, telur tu bukan macam separuh masak. Dia memang nampak macam tu dan tidak cair. Takde rasa hanyir pun. Pekenalah telur tu dengan kaviar perghhh %&**%%^ lagi sekali toing toing sebab mavelesss.Yang sos hijau tu ialah water crest sos. Kentang salai dia pun superb. Boleh rasa macam asap sikit. Kentang yang nampak firm tapi tender. For me, ini adalah meal yang mewah walaupun cuma telur ayam sebab dia ada kaviar.

This is the most luxurious meal I think I ever had because it has caviar in it. Sous-vide Egg with caviar and smoked potato. When I saw this meal.. OMG caviar on the egg and errkkk.. I don’t like half cook egg. I was thinking, do I need to eat this? errmmm let the husband try it first. When he spoon it to his mouth, he just smile, then when I asked why? he said try it.. . Then I spooned it , and OMG excelente!!! The egg taste good , or should I said fantastic with the caviar. The yolk did not watery at all. The potato looks so firm but its tender with smoky taste.

Tengoklah muka ku yang begitu terpesona dengan kesedapan telur tuh

Look at my face, feeling so gooooooooooooooooooddddddddddd.

Squid Fettuccine with Wasabi sauce

Hidangan seterunya Squid Fettuccine with Wasabi sauce. Sotong yang dihiris halus-halus bentuk macam fettuccine. Sedap sangat sebab ada telur-telur ikan plus rasa wasabi.

Next meal… Squid Fettuccine with Wasabi sauce. The “fettuccine ” taste good with fish roe and wasabi sauce.

Here come Bobby asking,  how’s the food.I think he’s making donald duck voice as he was talking to Rayyan, our son.

Wrapped potato sea bass with shredded crabmeat and mushroom.

Yang ni plak Wrapped potato sea bass with shredded crabmeat and mushroom. I suka yang ni sebab boleh makan banyak mushroom. Amik Kheirul punyalah sebab dia takleh makan mushroom. heheheheh. Ikan ni kena bungkus dengan kentang. Memang gila kentang makan nih sebab dia crispy kat luar sebab ketang bungkus dia digoreng garing. Dan ikan yang kat dalam tuh maintai juicy and sweet. Mushroom dia memang rasa manis, segar samapai I terlupa dimanakah rasa crabmeat dia?

This is Wrapped potato sea bass with shredded crabmeat and mushroom. I like this one too because, I can have all the mushroom. Kheirul can’t eat mushroom. The fish was so crispy outside and juicy and sweet in side.The mushroom was so sweet. I wish I can eat this one again.

Lobster Risotto with lobster sauce.

Time ni dah santak dah perut. Tak larat dah nak makan. Tapi bila mari lobster…. mana boleh kena makan. Rasa dia ??? biarlah rahsia. Selalu makan lobster macam makan getah plastic sebab selalu overcooked tapi yang nih…

Another luxirious meal!! Lobster risotto with lobster sauce.The taste??? let me describe.. mmmm sorry….I can’t explain baby, you have to taste it yourself.:)

Lemon crème brûlée, Chocolate crème brûlée and Rice Pudding.

Akhirnya, pencuci mulut dah sampai. I memanglah pecinta dessert. I ingat crème brûlée yang I makan kat Utrecht adalah yang paling sedap, rupanya yang ni lagi sedap. Cukup manis, lemak, cukup segalanya. The Chocolate crème brûlée lagilah macam nak nangis je bila masuk mulut. Rice Pudding tu, something yang unik. manis, lemak dengan kacang sekali….Nak kena try buat nih. Ada resepi dia, exclusively from Bobby Chinn punya buku resepi.

Last but not least.. dessert. I love dessert!!!!! I thought I have tried the best  crème brûlée when I was in Utrecht but nay… This is the best crème brûlée. There were Lemon crème brûlée, Chocolate crème brûlée and rice pudding. All I can say die die you must try! The rice pudding??? I must learn how to make this dessert. (I have the recipe now)

Semoga review yang kiterang buat i akan buat anda semua terliur hehehe jangan marah. This is our best dining experience ever. We would like to thank Nescafe Gold for choosing us as a winner, TLC and Asas Media for the arrangement also for Bobby Chinn and team for wonderfull dining experience.

And for those who would like to dine at his place, you may check out his website, You also may follow him on Facebook and Tweet tweet with him on Twitter .He is a very nice guy :). For those who happen in Hanoi or going to Hanoi, mark this place. Worth  it!!!


Let see the score from us..


Note: All photos in this post were captured by Kheirul Hisyam Mohamed using Nikon D300 DSLR camera

37 thoughts on “Fine Dine @ Bobby Chinn Restaurant

    1. kheirul

      The Bobby Chinn Restaurant ni tak ada sijil halal tetapi dia bagi jaminan yang segala bahan2 yang digunakan adalah yang halal.
      All our Poultry & Meats are Halal or as close as it gets to Kosher… Sila rujuk

      Kami pun agak was-was pada mulanya dan untuk mengelakkan rasa was-was kami mintak special request untuk makan makanan berasaskan makanan laut(seafood)

  1. Bobby Chinn

    Wow, I should hire you two as my promotion team, lah! I wouldn’t have got a better review if I did it myself. And the photos are really amazing too, they really captured the food beautifully.

    Special thanks for the English translation. I got worried I would only understand a little bit when I opened the page ;-)

    It was great to meet all three of you and I hope that’s not your last visit to Restaurant Bobby Chinn!

    1. kheirul

      Thanks Bobby for visiting us here…

      Really…. I got a few calls from my friends that wanted to have a dine at your restaurant already… they thought that your restaurant is somewhere in Malaysia.. but when I said it was in Hanoi. Vietnam,… they said that they might book a flight to you place soon…..

      About the pics…. will sent all the original photos to you soon.

  2. Rose

    OMG OMG…you pergi makan kat restoran bobby’re so lucky lah yatie,kheirul and Rayyan…jealousnya…i love his show very much…mmg berangan nak pergi restoran dia one fine day…(and he even commented here..OMG)

    O god…what a delicious meal you had…yatie…kalau buat masak2 recipe bobby chin jgn lupa jemput i yer..i sanggup ambik job cuci pinggan umah u lepas tu..hahaha

    i like this post the most…thumbs up!

  3. big momma

    OMG! Bobby Chinn siap tinggal komen!!!
    hahaha bestnya………..

    betul cakap dia, the food was beautifully captured ……..terliur juga nie

  4. kheirul



    pssst… I’ve got a few calls n sms, they ask me where to get to Bobby Chinn Restaurant.. so I’ve told them to book a flight to HANOI, VIETNAM… hehehe

  5. Azian Elias


    hii.. i review sana sini about Hanoi n jumpa yg blog. makan kat sini lagi.. i think i wanna go n have a chance to have fine dine here..

    how about rege.. i know that you di sponsored. tapi boleh bagi range tak?


      1. Azian Elias

        pinggan baru ye.. tapi tak pe lah. u all pegi sebab under Nescafe ye.. sure depa jaga betul kan.. anyway, i dah masukkan thos place as our last dinner in Hanoi.. MUST GO ..

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