Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh kami sekeluarga especially the kids.Bangun pagi pun senang sebabnya nak pergi kidzports & Gym. Start eventnya pukul dua tapi pukul 12 dah terpacak kat 1U. Reason sebab nak cari parking kalau lambat nanti susah and sebab nak makan pizza. Pastu nak solat dulu then window shopping.hehehhe :) Pukul Dua tadaaaa pergi masuk dalam register
Oh ya…the event is specially hosted for parent bloggers and their families, so off courselah jumpa ramai bloggers. Masuk lepas register je.. terus dapat stcker name. Good job and organised sebab nama semua siap tulis tinggal, register then terus stick kat baju. Even Rayyan ada sticker name.
Lepas register pergi cari anak-anak dulu sebab budak berdua tu dah hilang. Tapi terjumpa Byzura dulu. So bersembang tanya khabar dulu. She’s expecting now. Bestkan. Dia dok meneman her hensem boy, Adam dok main. Masa ni Rayyan baru bangun tidur so ala-ala nak berkepit jer taknak dengan rang lain. Dok bersembang kejap then ada talk.
Mr. Nathan Kandapper, managing director of Kimberly-Clark Malaysia Singapore. He said
“Experts believe that giving our kids the freedom to play and experiment benefits growing children. At Kleenex®, we would like to believe we play a small part in advocating for our kids to play freely, in everyday situations. At least, we are committed to providing the best in personal hygiene care for the family so that parents have the peace of mind while their children participate in imaginative, spontaneous play.”
Jadi anak-anak, jangan takut untuk bermain lumpur ye…. sebab ada Kleenex.

Lupa plak nak bawak balik. boleh frame.
Lepas habis painting and other activities… ada makan-makan….yang begitui sedap… tu pun Ashraff n Afrina dok tanya bila boleh makan….
Ni bebudaknya makanan….. asa nugget, hotdog, fries and pasta even fruits and for parent ada pizza, pasta,sandwich and much more!! and suprise ada ice creams. Dah tak larat nak makan. I banyak minum as usual sebab minum untuk 2 orang kan. Pastu makan snacks, sandwich and fruits. Pizza tak larat nak telan sebab tadi dah makan. Tapi memang banyak giler makanan. :) I like
Ha lepas makan… play time!!!! terlepas lah bebudak sekelian pergi main….
Bukan saja Abang and kakak have fun tapi Rayyan jugak….
see siap nak berkawan lagi.
Bak kata Merryn, What is a bloggers’ day out if not for the bloggers themselves ….I met few bloggers
Farah of Lildreamz
Merryn of http://www.submerryn.com
Merryn, Sumijelly,Mr Zaid of smartparents.com.my, I pernah tengok dia dalam TV, Sophia yang menjadikan event hari sesuatu yang hebat, she’s from Communications Specialist & Advocate of IN.Deed Communications.
Selain daripada tu, I jumpa dengan Ayuarjuna ,Mommy Lina from mysuperkids.net (Rayyan played with his lil boy), Munirah , Hanz dan ramai lagi. Sorrylah kalau tak tertulis dalam link ni sebab tak ingat lerrrr…… I jumpa jugak with baby Samantha tapi lupa apa blog name. Silly me, lupa nak tanya…Last but not least, thank you so much for the invitation and yes, we had so much fun there.And guess what ? Ashraff and Afriena tak nak balik, dorang cakap nak tidur kat Kidzport!!!
Hi Yatie, it was a nice day out wasn’t it? :) Baby Samantha is from http://www.bondedtogether.net :D
Looking forward for more bloggers day out! haha..
Hi Yatie, my son’s sitting same table with your kids while eating… and we don’t know each other yet.. haha~
sempoi gak laaa… ade event khas untuk parent bloggers… nice…
bestnyer, sayang liza tak dapat invite
nice meeting u there..dpt chat n kenal ngan your kids :)..harap dapat jumpa di event bloggers akan lg :)
hai yatie!!!
saya tak sempat lagi update pasal event ni..hehe nice meeting u that day.
kagum sebab dah anak 3 badan maintan je!!!
by the way,saya add blog awak dalam list saya yer :D
Hi Yatie. Thanks for dropping by our Cyberhome. Nice talking to you eventhough just a very short one. Thanks for keeping Samantha in your prayer. :)
..yes it was short one
Hi Yatie :)
Nice meeting u that day… sorry lah mcm malu2 je hari tuh may be after this dah ok kot hehehehe… hope to see u again n again yeah & keep in touch….
hope to see u again :)