Was in Holland and Hong Kong

I was in Holland for a week and 2 weeks later flew to Hong Kong.Hehehe not this yearlah. ni kira cam flashback lah….Kalau sekarang naik kapal terbang awal-awal lagi kena halau. Perut dah besarkan.

It was last year story. saja nak imbas kembali. I went to Holland alone for aweek for work purpose and berjalan-jalan. Yang tak best kat sana adalah sebab keseorangan.Walaupun ada member from other country still tak syok sbb most of them dah berumur . Ada gak yang best bila dapat round Amsterdam with my Japanese friend. Walaupun dia ala-ala very innocent jalan jer.hehehe… Makan kat sana no problem. Sebab I percinta roti so makan roti , ikan, salad dan frites. I miss their mango juice yang amat pekat. minum sekali 3 kali pergi toilet. hahaha…

salah satu gambar… ni kat flower market.More pics click kat SINI

Holland is a nice place to visit. Insya’Allah, kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, we’ll be here again. Honeymoon or whole family.but this time, round Europe probably naik motor or driving.

Ha ni kat Hong kong plak.Part ni paling best sebab pergi ngan family. Nasib baik jet lag dah habis. Most probably knew that we flew to Hong Kong for free sbb menang hadiah from Friso Brings My Family Out. Keseronokan yang tak dapat digambarkan sebab memang seronok. So kalau nak baca post pasal Disneyland ke apa ker , do check out here.

Kalau nak tengok gambar lagi, click SINI

Hish kalau ada rezeki nak pi lagi nih….

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