Monthly Archives: October 2008

Planning for 3rd baby

Last Wednesday, I was on leave. not only because of my kiddos party but also for my 6 month check-up.

To all readers, have you done your 6 month check-up? make a schedule for 6 month check-up with your gynea. Once a year, do pap smear, breast scanning and twice a year vagina scanning. This is to monitor any unexpected thing happen, i’e fibroid, cervix cancer, tumor or breast cancer.So remember ladies, once you have sex, you need to go for these  health check up. I know it’s quite expensive but well people said mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati.

Well about the 3rd baby, many people asked me when I’m going to have 3rd one. It’s really sensitive question. Well, I do love to have another baby but I am afraid if could not cope with it.Looking at my 2 babies (they still baby to me) at home, I don’t think I  can manage to do everything.I’m afraid that I won’t have time to pay attention to their needs, husband’s need and mine as well. But if Allah gave us the precious , I would love and will carry the responsibility.But deep from my heart, I want another baby………

She’s 3

Happy Birthday to Afriena Atiqah. She’s 3 yesterday. There’s was birthday parthy for Ashraff and Afriena yesterday. the party was so wonderful. will update photo soon.

Anyway, this is Afriena pic, She was few mins old and she’s 3. BTW, my doc ask me whether I’m ready for no. 3, Well , well, well……. and if my doc read my portal just to let her know , no ” parthy” last night.

3 years ago

on Oct 15,2005 we just came back from clinic for weekly check up and doc said..”lambat lagi ni’ ok see next week.
At 11.30 I feel the mild pain.. I have to wait untill 2m cos my hubby said give a sec for few times cos he wanted to finish his PS
game and I took 1 and 1/2 practice breathing also spend time time with ashraff

2pm sampai PMC, many reporter aound , mcm waiting for me – I’m not the celebrity heheh it’s actually Tun Gaffar Baba ….
then admit to delivery suite
, walking around and chatting with people in world to tell them I am in labour. Hubby tido…
4.30-I asked for jab , belum sempat jab took effect lil princess dah nak keluar… but I have to wait for Doc..cannot wait but must wait… Hubby gave ethonox to calm down..heheh “aku dalam dunia ku”4.45pm doc in , 3 push then baby out at 5.34… easy right?
OMG so cute… we so suprise with lil gal cos we could not see her “tuuuttt ” masa scanning.. alamak kena beli baju gal la nanti…